too much decor?


New Member
Is there such a thing as too much decor for a cham cage? If you look in the center of my cage that big bald spot is driving me nuts. I want to throw another shrub in there but am not sure if chams need open space?


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I would add one more of the fatter bendy vines in the upper 1/3rd of the cage, then you're good! Lots of cages people post here are too bare - i think this is a nice balance of foliage cover, open, and a variety of stick and vine sizes to climb.

Your cham should be very happy.

Are you all set up for basking and UV lights? You should get a digital thermometer if you don't have one to measure the temperature at the basking spots. Chams can get burned easily if they are too close to the light, especially in s smaller cage like yours.

Looks like you have a mister, which you will love. Have you let it run for a few days to make sure the pan catches everything? You don't want a surprise leak on your hands.
Yes i have uvb/basking set up. I have the basking bulb on a slider to adjust the temps. I keep it at about 85 degrees. And so far the pan has been working well. Havent had much of a leak besides a drop here or there. Glad to here it looks good though. Ill add another vine so theres a little more to climb on. Ive only had him 2 weeks and so far he seems very happy. Even though he runs and hides everytime i open the door:p
Looks really good! I'd add an extra vine up top like recommended but overall looks really awesome!!
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