Took in sick baby chameleon with MBD

Hello! Just adding an update post since about a year and a half ago when I opened this thread for help-- The Vets told me it was likely for him to pass away at the time but using the advise here, he's now a fully grown healthy boy.

To anyone who is seeing this archived post looking for help- there is some very useful information here to help a baby with MBD!

To anyone who helped me out, thank you!! He definitely appreciates it!

Here is Neeko enjoying some sun (He doesn't like cameras so is a little sassy) -

I do understand this is an older thread but pictures last forever. :) (y) (y)
Love happy ending also. (y) :)
Can you do month my month shots?
This way others will see the drastic changes and abilities to reshape their bone structure.
I have seen it but did not document. Darn me! :mad:
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