Toxic scefflera??


New Member
Hello! I'm newer to the chameleon community but not new to reptiles. I've kept and bred uropatus, Naultinus, leachianus, chahoua, abronia and many more. Live plants are a must for my reptiles enclosures.
I have my jacksons chameleon enclosure all set up. I haven't seen him drink much at all. So I just bought him what was labeled as a 'schefflera-amate'. I looked on my fav vet website under toxic and safe plants list, it was labeled as safe. I bought this 4-5' plant, changed the soil and repotted it and is now in my chams enclosure. He loves this plant, drinking the water droplets off it like crazy.
However I'm now reading people calling this plant toxic if eaten...he doesnt it it, mind you it's only been 1 day..
Should i remove it or observe if he tries to eat it?

Thank you.


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if you have a 4-5' plant, then your enclosure is 5-6' tall?

I think those ones are toxic if eaten. Most members seem to have the one with green and yellow leaves, Shefflera arboricola I believe.

Hope this helps.

if you have a 4-5' plant, then your enclosure is 5-6' tall?

I think those ones are toxic if eaten. Most members seem to have the one with green and yellow leaves, Shefflera arboricola I believe.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for the input.
Yes i have another schefflera plant in my uroplatus enclosure with yellow on it. I believe the plant i have is the mildy toxic one (found out after purchase as it was labeled amate) if eaten of course. I haven't heard of jacksons being plant eaters like veilds.
He'll only drink off this plant is my only hesitation of removing it.
That specific type of schefflera is toxic, however any jackson I have had has not been a big plant eater so you might be able to get away with it. They do get some size to them, and if you ever make a free range you can use it in that; if you don't feel comfortable with it staying in the enclosure.

Toxic is a go to word for all sorts of plant related potential for harm, from mild irritants and deterrents ( oxalate crystals/ hairs/ ficus sap ), to potential allergies in people, and of course, actually medically significant toxins.
Your Schefflera is no more "toxic" than what is commonly sold as pothos and unless a chameleon is eating large quantities of it, I'd feel 100% safe leaving it be. The other Schefflera species is better ( also comes in plain green ), as it branches at smaller heights and takes top pruning better, keeping more of a shrubby appearance, whereas yours wants to grow vertically, into a tree. It is safe enough, even if it is slightly less ideal, due to its upright growth.

Abronia are so neat! I was considering some for a while, but chameleons stole my heart.
Thank you for the reply. I saw him putting the leaves in his mouth but not biting them, however I did return it :( I got him the safe schefflera plant with the yellow on the leaves.
Yes abronia are very neat! Sassy little buggers though haha. You should look into getting some, some day. They're becoming cheaper in the market so perhaps now would be a good time to buy, they're likely to go on CITES soon and prices will go up again.
Toxic is a go to word for all sorts of plant related potential for harm, from mild irritants and deterrents ( oxalate crystals/ hairs/ ficus sap ), to potential allergies in people, and of course, actually medically significant toxins.
Your Schefflera is no more "toxic" than what is commonly sold as pothos and unless a chameleon is eating large quantities of it, I'd feel 100% safe leaving it be. The other Schefflera species is better ( also comes in plain green ), as it branches at smaller heights and takes top pruning better, keeping more of a shrubby appearance, whereas yours wants to grow vertically, into a tree. It is safe enough, even if it is slightly less ideal, due to its upright growth.

Abronia are so neat! I was considering some for a while, but chameleons stole my heart.

You hit something that a lot of people don't know. Pothos can be harmful if large quantities are eaten, yet they are one of the most commonly suggested plant.

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