Hi Patrick
They look fantastic, theyr'e so preety well done your'e doing a great job! Ive mated my girl again today its been just over 5 weeks since she laid her first clutch of 13, sadly 3 were infertile so thought Id best mate her again in case she lays again & they would all be infertile she was well up for it! just hope Ive done the right thing? Heatherxxx
They look fantastic, theyr'e so preety well done your'e doing a great job! Ive mated my girl again today its been just over 5 weeks since she laid her first clutch of 13, sadly 3 were infertile so thought Id best mate her again in case she lays again & they would all be infertile she was well up for it! just hope Ive done the right thing? Heatherxxx