Trading for a Senegal.


New Member
So I'm trading a snake I really wasn't too thrilled about acquiring in a trade for a late Christmas present for my wife! A year+ Senegal.

In the trade, here's what I'm getting...

ZooMed ReptiBreeze, it comes with a four month old 26 watt uvb bulb and an unused one, a reflector dome with a basking bulb, three climbing logs, fake plants, a cork hide, a spray bottle, a small cricket carrier with cricket food.

Is there anything that is missing or I should get?

I want to get a fogger, is there a 'best brand'? I read in the basic husbandry series recommended upon registering that a drip system is the more suggested system. I didn't really see a fogger mentioned at all, haha.

I'm still doing my research. I've got lots of things to supplement with, with the geckos I keep already.

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It sounds as if the previos owner didnt know too much!

I would try and get a tube uv bulb as it will span the whole cage instead of one small area if you get a compact.

They need plenty of live plants and vines - not cork hides on the floor as they will not be used!

You are best getting a misting system such as the mistking rather than a fogger
Oooh. I guess I didn't catch the fact that the uvb was compact. We use tubes for the three toed box turtle we keep, so I've got extra fixtures for the tubes.

As for the mistking, is there a good place you recommend to get it? Or, is there another version/type out there as well?

As for the cork hide, I've seen some that mount arboreally for them to sit in. I'm not sure that's what he means, but I've seen it used in a veiled cage at my local specialty shop.

I'll need to review the safe plants list I noticed in the recommended readings. Are fake ones that bad?
I did a little looking and have narrowed me mist choices down to just the mistking or an AquaZamp rain dome. Does any one have a preference?

Are all ivy species acceptable or is just the devils ivy appropriate? I would like a hibiscus really, but I'm not sure how big his cage is yet.
Mistking and Aquazamp are the 2 best systems as far as most people on this forum are concerned.

No, you really can't have too big of a cage.
For small creatures, they like lots of space to call their own :)

I don't know about all ivies but you might post the name of the one you have in mind and maybe someone will know.

For Senegal info, you can find some info on this post by a member who bred them and in post #23 you will see a picture of what you don't want in a cham.
(Sunken eyes, closed eyes, poor coloring, etc.)
A lot of ivy is poisonous, so I would stick to pothos personally. Other good plants are dwarf umbrella plants, hibiscus, and ficus plants. Both misting systems are great. You will also need extra branches/vines, supplements (plain calcium without d3, calcium with d3, and a multivitamin,) thermometers, and a hygrometer.

A cage is only too big if the animal cant find any food or if you cant maintain the temps/humidity/other stuff properly because of the size.
A lot of ivy is poisonous, so I would stick to pothos personally. Other good plants are dwarf umbrella plants, hibiscus, and ficus plants. Both misting systems are great. You will also need extra branches/vines, supplements (plain calcium without d3, calcium with d3, and a multivitamin,) thermometers, and a hygrometer.

A cage is only too big if the animal cant find any food or if you cant maintain the temps/humidity/other stuff properly because of the size.

This is great info and I also would say stick with pothos.
Thanks for the replies! I've got all the supplements, my geckos take the same. I'll be investing in more "furniture" once I see what size I'm working with.

I've decided on hibiscus but again the cage size is unknown till Friday. I've been researching dwarf hibiscus so I can have a hibiscus in the size cage I may or may not be sticking with when I get it.
If you want the hibiscus to do well without having to put it outside for a while, buy a 6500K plant bulb. I have never been able to keep those thing alive without a plant bulb or alternative between indoors and outdoors time for a few months at a time! And they never flower for me without a bulb or only outdoor time. I gave up on them after a while. You might have better luck though!
Yeah, now that you point it out, hibiscus seems terribly difficult. Pothos does seem to be the all around go to for cages.

Anyone who decorates with Pothos, can you post pictures of how you do so?
I dont have any photos, but I hang them from the top using fishing line and when the vines grow long, I loosely tie them to branches and the screen so they grow the way I want them to. With ficus and dwarf umbrellas you can also make them grow the way you want so they cover the whole cage or become horizontal branches.
I tie the pot up in the air so the vines initially grow downwards. The clear fishing line makes it look like the pot is floating in the air. You could also put a second one on the ground too for more foliage.
I tie the pot up in the air so the vines initially grow downwards. The clear fishing line makes it look like the pot is floating in the air. You could also put a second one on the ground too for more foliage.

Awesome, that's what I was struggling with finding!

Here he is! Pothos is on its way, but everything that came with him seems to be in order. All I lack is a mist system and the pothos. :)
It looks very healthy! Does it have flaps on the back of its head? If it does, it is not a senegal chameleon.
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