Translucent Veiled


New Member
hey guys has anyone ever heard of a translucent veiled? i don't have any pics to post as of yet, have to wait for my girl to come with the camera, Ive been looking for a female veiled to match with my male, and came across an almost white one at a local store i go to, she still has a green tinge to her but shes eerily white, when i asked the guy what she was, he said they guy who he got her from said translucent or something, I'm just wondering if that's what this weird coloration is called or what its proper name is if it has one :S
Can confirm that this is a real thing. Just a neat and expensive mutation in veiled chameleons. In addition to translucent veiled chameleons, there are also transbalds, which look like this:
i don't know about the prices in chems where u guys were but i payed the 100 for her, about 15 more then for a normal female veiled, and yeah she doesent look like that, its almost as if she has lost her color :p, just a slight tint of green all over, ill post a pic tommorow when my girls brings her camera
The 'Igor' morph. :) "Lookth like ith made of peithes of other chamth" :D

OT: How cruel is it to spell 'Lisp' with an 'S' !
TREE TOP LIONS breeds these locals out of barrie great guy his stuff is really good. if she is a transulcent thats pretty sweet :)
yeah she looks like that pic the white spots are on her feet and on her throat she has a black spot ( just pigment no sickness :p, got it checked :p) other then that her whole body is just a greenish white its cool, still waiting to post pics maybe later tonight darn gf :p shes just a babies right now i cant wait to see her mature colors her bodies only 2 to 3 inch's
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