translucents- sad story from today


New Member
Well today I got to see my first translucent veileds but it was so sad. This guy had them in a bucket with a bunch (6 to 7) of others about the same size. There was dead ones on the bottom on the bucket, they were stressed, and most of them were missing tails and had scratches all over them!

They were not all translucents but most were. He was selling them for $14.99, $20, $50 for large low translucent, and $125 for high translucent ones. My dad wanted to save one but we eventually decided against it. When i asked the linage he looked clueless so i asked were he got them and he told me that there was only 1 person in the world that had them and he was in Germany! I then told him I knew of a few people that had some and he told me a was wrong!

I wish i could have helped these little guys out but i couldn't stand the thought of supporting this guy.
Wow....that kind of shit really pisses me off.....especially because i know theres almost nothing that can be done. If this person owns a business you can try to file some sort of animal cruelty complaint/charge (all depends on your local regulations)

Other then that all we can do is shed a tear for those poor tortured souls.
so sad but true their are idiots out there that want to want to own chameleons and mistreat them like that.
Man i hate hearing things like this... It is always so upsetting:mad:. On a Better note we have to think of all the chams that have been saved by awesome people here, who really do care. I wish everyone who is so careless for life(people or animals) would die. Having passion for animals shows what type of character you have, and i do not get along with those who do not care. Sorry you had to see those veiled's being mistreated in that manner. I hope at least a few of them will have a shot at a awesome life with people who do know how to treat them.
just look at petco and petsmart they have more than one chameleon in a glass cage with no drip system and constant humidity I don't even think they have the right lighting. like today I saw 2 veiled chameleons in glass cage to small for them and they just sat on the bottom clawing at the glass cage. I think if their going to sell animals as pets they should provide proper care..:mad:
Serpent safari, Petco and Petsmarts in my area stopped getting Chameleons,

I'd like to think it is because I got after them each time I was in about living conditions, but I am not so high on myself to think that

Now if only the Petland in Schaumburg would listen.. though from what i hear they are giving the reptiles over to aquarium adventure to care for, which is good news as most of the Fish folks have Herps and have been complaining too :p

Many times I have gone in there and they have 10-20 -TINY- baby veiled in a tank that couldnt be more than a week old, with one vine and a bowl of water and pale as can be.

Always breaks my hear that I cant save them.
A small local reptile show just outside of New Orleans. This guy was from Georgia i think tho.

Is there any way you can report a vendor to a promotor on these kinds of displays and have him/her banned? People like this give a bad name to all hobbyists. :mad:
bad breeders hurt us all.

There are ways of dealing with this type of person if they're at a show and have animals in the conditions as you describe fish and game will usually have something to say about it Here in California there's a list of rules and at every show there's a few wardens making the rounds looking for infractions.

I bet that if you made a call and supplied a cell phone pict of that bucket to the state office -you would have had someone there on site that afternoon. People like this must be run out of the business. They give everyone a bad name.
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I was about to buy her (his only high end) but I didn't think she would make it over a week. She also didn't have a tail.
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