Tree Frogs


New Member
I live in a area where we have a lot of tree frogs. Could I put one in my panthers cage? It couldnt harm him if he eats it right??
Won't say for sure if your Chameleon eats a tree frog that it would die, but frogs are usually loaded with various blood parisites. My main concern would be stressing your chameleon out, tree frogs are noctournal, very active during the night when your chameleon is trying to sleep.
Won't say for sure if your Chameleon eats a tree frog that it would die, but frogs are usually loaded with various blood parisites. My main concern would be stressing your chameleon out, tree frogs are noctournal, very active during the night when your chameleon is trying to sleep.

Along with this, I will again reiterate that there are FAR more cons than pros to this. Animals come with a level of prEformed Vitamin A that can build up in a chams system leading to gout. Hooray if it looks cool watching your cham eat a frog but honestly I wouldn't want to put my cham at risk... Also yes Willardi you are correct, some were found to have blood parasites... ( says it all
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