tree frogs?


New Member
Can my year old veiled chameleons eat small tree frogs? I think I read before a while back that they could? just checkin, thanks!
The question is not if they can, but if they should. Vertebrates should not be a regular part of a herbivore's or insectivore's diet because their kidneys are not designed to process so much animal protein. Animal and plant proteins are metabolized differently and an excess of animal proteins causes a buildup of uric acid, which can damage the kidneys and build up in the joints as a condition known as gout, which is very painful and pretty much incurable in reptiles. You should be able to offer a complete, nutritious diet through gutloading without ever needing vertebrate prey items.

Here's a blog post from Dr. Alfonso, a respected reptile vet who is very good with chameleons: Vertebrate Prey for Chameleons: Good or Bad?
Is it wild? You might want to treat it for parasites first lol. Or get some cb if you can.

Because they are always in moist conditions, amphibians can have some bad bacteria or parasites in them, yet not show signs because they have evolved living in those conditions and can often deal with it.

I don't think I would feed my guys a frog, but small geckos and lizards are definitely on the menu.

Mourning geckos, viper geckos, anoles, are all good choices. Try to get CB though to avoid the 'nasties' from getting into your cham.
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