Trioceros deremensis lauriensis


Chameleon Enthusiast
Site Sponsor
Meet Puddle! She is from a small strain of extra-hardy deremensis from the wilds of Montana! She is the ultimate cutie and showing off all her best spots for the camera. She is usually very calm, but the camera seems to bring out the worst in her.

Puddle just got back from a vet visit with a clean bill of health. What better way to celebrate than to share on the forums?

Big thanks to Laurie for sending this sweetie my way!


  • Puddle.jpg
    43.7 KB · Views: 213
cute thing. i got mine a week ago as well. her name is Bulma. she's gravid and im trying to get some more info. but it seems nobody is responding so im at a lost. :mad:


  • Pic_0420_135.jpg
    224 KB · Views: 127
She's awesome!

What a pretty girl!! I love that chameleon - they have the greatest color patterns.
It seems like just yesterday. She is looking good. I knew my last one had to go to you. Glad both you and she are happy.
cute thing. i got mine a week ago as well. her name is Bulma. she's gravid and im trying to get some more info. but it seems nobody is responding so im at a lost. :mad:

Only a couple of us have experience with gravid T. deremensis. Those who may might not be checking the forum multiple times a day or week. Getting mad at us won't help one wants to mislead you with info that applies to other more common species. It's not a conspiracy.
Only a couple of us have experience with gravid T. deremensis. Those who may might not be checking the forum multiple times a day or week. Getting mad at us won't help one wants to mislead you with info that applies to other more common species. It's not a conspiracy.

im not mad. relax. its just start's frustration. ive spent way too much money and time on her to have her die on me in a week. that's all.
OH..MY..GOD. That is the cutest chameleon I have ever seen. She is absolutely made of precious dust :) so lucky haha she'll grow up to be beautiful!
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