Trioceros hoehnelli day temperature


New Member
whitch day temperature do you use for the hoehnellis . mine is abaout 20-22 celsius at day temperature what a use is two solar raptor light bars one whit the 6500k and the other whit 5.0 but the females but their bodies against the top should a use a halogen spot to. ? Really sorry for my bad english X)
Despite what some may say, and having kept hoehnelli for half my life, they DO NOT like it cool/colder. They LOVE to bask. They like warm temps and will even be basking in 90 degree sun! This is from experiencing countless numbers of them doing this. They can take it cold at night, and should have a sharp drop off in night time temp but during the day they like it warm, 85 degrees/30 celcius.
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