Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii


New Member
Here is a male I got from GIjoe on the forums. He did a great job at raising this little one up. You guys are nuts if you do not grab up the other male!! Very rarely you see this species available as captive born.


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if I had room and more experience I would love to have one of those.
do you intend on breeding (if you can find a female)? best of luck to the both of you, I'd love to see some CB babies down the road (maybe by that time I'll be ready for one)
I would like to breed them but I am only going to buy a captive born or LTC female.

The title makes me cringe:eek::rolleyes: Change it, Laurie!!
Looks like he's lov'n the WV sunshine! Glad he got a good home! The B.T.'s are doing great too. Not enough sun here to get them outside yet.
Cain, Cain, Cain.

Great looking guy. GIJoe certainly did do a fantastic job! Have fun with yet another Trioceros!

LOL!!! JoeG I meant!!! Why did I think GI joe?:eek::D And yes, I was super tired when posting the thread.

He is loving it here, Joe!! He loves flies, spiders and moths:D

He does kick ass, Jessica!!
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