Trioceros johnstonii discussion group

One of my males had a scab on his elbow when I received him. Today he was shedding and the scab fell off and he has a hole 1/8" across and almost 1/8 deep there..:eek: So I'm dealing with that.

Are you just going to use neosporen? How many pairs did you receive? 1.1 of each local? I hope thing turn around for the people that have lost animals!
One of my males had a scab on his elbow when I received him. Today he was shedding and the scab fell off and he has a hole 1/8" across and almost 1/8 deep there..:eek: So I'm dealing with that.

Regarding edema with the pregnant females, I have noticed that my Meru females seem to get this during pregnancy. Perhaps these do also.

My male has some of those on his spine:eek: but he seems in good health.
Female is now digging around the base of her plant. Dirt thrown over the side, etc. I am hoping she will find the laying bin, but if not, we will make do.

Now I just have to leave her alone!!
Clearly she is a tease. After the day of checking out the dirt, she returned to her normal routine to include eating and drinking well. I don't think she is quite ready, just checking out things.
So I have 18 eggs. 12 from one female and 6 from another. The 6 are getting fuzzy so not counting on anything from them. The other 12 are big and bright white so fingers crossed with those. Wishing everyone else luck with their animals.
So I have 18 eggs. 12 from one female and 6 from another. The 6 are getting fuzzy so not counting on anything from them. The other 12 are big and bright white so fingers crossed with those. Wishing everyone else luck with their animals.

You can try some athlete foot powder on those fuzzy ones.
So I have 18 eggs. 12 from one female and 6 from another. The 6 are getting fuzzy so not counting on anything from them. The other 12 are big and bright white so fingers crossed with those. Wishing everyone else luck with their animals.

Hopefully my girl was the lucky one!
Anyone know if the females can lay multiple fertile clutches from a single breeding like panthers?

as far as i know, all chams have the ability to retain sperm packets. what seems to make the differences are the species, age of females, and exposure to males. the following factoids are just that; interesting factoids on sperm retention (but don't necessarily relate to all chams)--

that last bit regarding male presence is often the deciding factor as visualization of the opposite sex has a huge impact on hormones. early studies on sperm retention (in other species) seem to indicate that if there is a lack of males and she doesn't see others, retention happens more often (not surprisingly). on the flip side, if a particular female mates with several males the males have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves to try and get their sperm through. those waxy hemipenal plugs that often freak out newbies? it's been shown that many males will "deposit" a large secretion of that goo after ejaculating, which forms a seal that the next guy's sperm cannot get through (copulatory plugs). some critters can even top off their plug w/ spermicidal substances, which actually kill any new or existing sperm from another male! and perhaps the most horrifying of all....some male insects may just break off their organ altogether, leaving them sterile but the female is now wearing a chastity belt...:D

the female has her tricks too, probably the most important of which is that she can often select which sperm packet is preferential and use it. interestingly, there have been several studies to show that she will often pick the sperm that is most genetically different from her own; one of nature's tricks to reduce inbreeding. anyway, some pretty fascinating techniques have evolved! cool stuff to read about on a quiet night.
Interesting stuff, thanks for posting! Not going to lie, it blows my mind that they can select sperm.

mind=blown for sure!!

one of the best classes i have ever taken in my life was undergrad @ Tulane; a year-long course on Animal Behavior. it was an overlap of biology and psychology and credited toward either degree. i think that was the first time that i ever learned about many of the factors surrounding sperm retention. the adaptations never end, just like an escalating cold-war nuclear program! for every "this" there was a "that" to take advantage of a situation. and once you're out of the basic levels and begin to see some of the extremes that have can be absolutely mindblowing!!
My Bwindi's are doing exceptional. They are both eating 10 plus half inch crickets a day. My female eat 30 of a 50 count container of wax worms in one sitting. I'm not sure where these little guys are putting all that food. I believe that my female is gravid.



My Bwindi's are doing exceptional. They are both eating 10 plus half inch crickets a day. My female eat 30 of a 50 count container of wax worms in one sitting. I'm not sure where these little guys are putting all that food. I believe that my female is gravid.




Great to see they do so well Jason :)
I just wont give them a loth of wax worms they are very fat and not good for the liver.
Better give gut load crickets(feed them organic vegetables and dandelion leaves)silk worms and horn worms are also a very good food.
Don't give them synthetic vitamins they are very sensitive to edema just once a week dusting with miner-all indoor(sticky tongue farms)and they will do perfect ;)
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