Trioceros pfefferi


Here are two pics from the female pfefferi at the morning today.
Looks she normaly?

she look ill.
Please Rene, buy in the future species which you can handle

Die ist krank, dehydriert. Hat vll auch noch Probleme die Eier abzulegen. Lass sie in Ruhe, trenn sie sofort vom Männchen ab und biete unterschiedliche Substrate mit unterschiedlich feuchten Zonen an. Sonst endet das so wie mit dem campani Weibchen.

Wie wärs denn wenn du dir mal Arten zulegst die nicht in der höchsten Schwierigkeitsstufe sind und mit denen Erfahrung sammelst:confused:
Ja, sie sind ja schon von anfang an getrennt.
Futter hat sie Gestern nochmals genommen, heute will sie nicht wirklich.
Verschiedene Erde usw. ist schon im Terrarium drin!
Ja, sie sind ja schon von anfang an getrennt.
Futter hat sie Gestern nochmals genommen, heute will sie nicht wirklich.
Verschiedene Erde usw. ist schon im Terrarium drin!

dann lass sie komplett in ruhe und sprüh mindestens 2 mal pro tag. und wie schon weiter oben geschrieben: die färbung weist auf eine zu hohe temperatur hin !
Ja, ich habs jetzt noch etwas ans Terra gehängt, sodass sie noch ehr Ruhe für sich hat.
Sprühen tue ich 2-3 Mal pro Tag und Abends ist für ca. 30min die Nebelmaschine an.
Ja, aber auch wenn ich sie berühre wurde sie ein wenig Gelb... .
Lucky I can understand German hopefuly the female will do better, just make sure she doesn't get it too warm with this weather.

Ich hoffe das sie etwas verbessert, sicher das sie es nicht zu Heiss hast.
Lucky I can understand German hopefuly the female will do better, just make sure she doesn't get it too warm with this weather.

Ich hoffe das sie etwas verbessert, sicher das sie es nicht zu Heiss hast.

Nicht schlecht ! Verstehen tue ich holländisch auch einigermaßen nur könnte ich es wohl nie schreiben ;)
Nein, es ist nicht zu warm, aber sie sitzt trotzdem den ganzen Tag nur rum.
Sie bewegt sich kaum... .
Sie rollt den Schwanz normal ein, bewegt ihre Augen ganz normal, aber ihr Verhalten ist eben komisch... .
Arg :mad:!!! stop talking in german!!!
The female looks more pregnant every time i look at her!! I've a question for you.. are you keeping them together? are you using a spot light? because she seems strange and i'd like to understand why.. ;)
Yes, they sitting both ALONE!
But she sit only on her plants and don´t move much!
The male is in the garden and he feel very good: D
Yes, I have to agree with jack29. I understand it is meant to help the animals but posting rule #7 for this site is, "Posts should be in English only. Non-English or unreadable posts will be removed. We don’t ask you to be perfect, only that your posts be readable to moderators." Thanks for your help.
Yes, I have to agree with jack29. I understand it is meant to help the animals but posting rule #7 for this site is, "Posts should be in English only. Non-English or unreadable posts will be removed. We don’t ask you to be perfect, only that your posts be readable to moderators." Thanks for your help.

Do you think it's more helpful for him if we talk in English when he doesn't understand it even a bit ?
About #7: In my opinion the posts of Rene in English are nearly ununderstandable. And it's horrible to read it
Again, I understand the point of speaking German, however, it is not allowed because it can't be moderated. The posts should be taken down but I'm leaving them for the animals' sake. I'm not trying to be a jerk; just trying to get you guys to follow the rules you agreed to so that the posts can be moderated. Private messages are not moderated....
I understand the rules and I think you guys can always private message each other in German. Here some basic rules for the animals:

Keep them outside in this weather

Spray them enough outside

Make sure the female has enough calcium

I think these 3 things are the most important at the moment. Translate in German via private message please :)
She sit in her cage.
She has enough calcium;)
What is the best temparature at the day and the night for the pfefferis?
I´ve read the best temparature is 18°C-24°C at the day!
But maybe have other people other temparatures.
Yes, but in this weather it can be much hotter inside, that's why we put them in a shady place in the garden and spray them a lot. At night it's the same temperature here, around 18-20 degrees.
Yes, the male is in the garden and the female is in her terrarium.
Should the female pfefferi out, too?
But at friday and saturday it´s here 37°C!!!
Should they then out in the garden?
With 37°C also the male have to be inside!!! It's too hot.. maximum temperatures are of 30 degrees and not for long periods.. I will keep the female inside anyway..

I was jocking with the question of the language and i don't want to create any discussion :D My english is bad but Rene's one is worst!!!
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