Trioceros pfefferi

Chameleons often walk away when you mist them with water, as told before, your female is pregnant and it's normal for her to not move that much.

The behaviour you describe from your male was the same with my male and the female was also not as active when she was pregnant. You should prepare something for the eggs and just be patient for her to lay the eggs. Just mist her well and feed her, then everything will be alright.

I would keep your chameleon inside when stormy, if you're going to get the sotrm we had last night (i'm north of the Netherlands) you will get very strong wind and lightning. They called of a weather alarm yesterday so I would keep your animals inside if that's coming to Germany.
When I will spray in the terrarium of my male, then he will of my hand and he is every on the frontglas at his terrarium.

The female walk much about 1 hour... .

No, not so stormy! A little bit rain and sun... I think: D
But if to stormy or raining, then come the pfefferi in the inside... .

The female mustn´t go in the outside?
I would just leave the female alone untill she laid her eggs, she needs to get used to her new environment and is already having a hard time being pregnant, so taking her in and outside might cause stress you can't use right now.

My male was also coming to the door immediatly when i was standing in front of it climbing up my arm as soon as I started misting, he was perfectly healthy and not stressed at all so I do not really know why he does that, I don't think it does any harm. You can put the male outside when it's cooler, under 30 degrees at least. Little bit of rain won't hurt but wind can cause lung infection so be careful with that.

The female is about her pregnation in the terrarium and come not in the outside!
If it´s a little bit cold, then come the male in the outside... .

About 30min the female walked about her terrarium.
And you think really she is pregnant?
I think enough people by now told you that she is pregnant, you can see it clearly on the pictures, so just prepare for eggs and make sure she can lay her eggs in the right spot and substrate.
Good, but I think it will be not good eggs.
She has good substrate... .
How often she should eat? All two day or every day?
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