trouble walking?


New Member
Im not sure what to think about this...
my female veiled(which I posted about the bumps on her body yesterday) is worrying me.
She has always seemed to be very healthy, she pretty active, walks fine, has a very healthy appetite etc...

I just saw her having trouble walking it looked like. It looked almost like she was dragging her belly along the branch and she looked extremelyunsteady. for a second I thought she was going to fall off. It definitely scared me and I began researching what could be wrong with her.

now(about 10 minutes later) she seems to be doing totally fine. She is walking with absolutely no problems, I just put some crickets in and she is hunting like she always does. Even balancing off the branch on just her back legs to reach certain crickets like she does sometimes.

What could this be?
She has a UV light on 12-14 hours a day, and spends much time basking under it. She eats probably 12-15 medium sized crickets a day(which have been dusted in T Rex Chameleon Dust), and every other day or so she eats about 6-8 wax worms. She has grown a lot in the month we have had her and has always seemed to be in good health besides the bumps on her side which she had when we received her and the trouble she just had walking.

Any ideas?
Time for the vet.........

I think it's time to make a visit to a good herp vet. Do you have one where you live? A vet should check the bumps out. I think the bumps alone merit a vet visit.............
A good vet visit is always a major help. I can also say that some chams do things just for the sake of giving us a headache I think. I have a cham that is finally acting normal and healthy. It has been hell with him being so unhappy, sickly like and just plain nerve racking. There has been nothing medically wrong with him except me paying to much attention to his every move. I have learned to mist him and just make sure he is drinking. I now feed him every other day and he eats like a champ. I would get a vet to clear his health and as long as he is hydrated and eating well then he should be good.
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