Troubles getting baby veiled to eat!!!

chris if you live around east LA, i can give you some of my excess silkworm (small size).
hey,dodolah. thank you for helping me. but i live in Sacramento, CA. that's kinda far away from LA. but you know what? how about you selling me some? cux i dont really need like 100 of them. but they are only selling 100 as a smallest amount online. so what do u say? will go through them quick if your cham likes them, trust me 100 between two chams won't last too long. Also if you do find that they like them then you definately do not want to run out. But I was skimming through this thread and was going to mention (I don't know if they are legal in CA) but flightless fruit flys have worked for me almost 100% of the time. I don't believe that they are very nutritious but with a cham that small you do not want to go very many days without eating. Silkies are good also hornworms (they seem to love green insects). One last thought...I noticed that both your chams were on the screen not basking undering the heat light, keep it up around 88/90 and see if you can give them a little bit more of a horizontal basking branch near the top under the heat lamp. Here are some indicators: if your cham is upside down under the lights they either want it warmer or have not found a suitable branch close enough to the heat light. If your chams are on the bottom of the cage then the temps are too high.

hi, ChrisCarter. thank you for your advises. flightless fruit flys is legal in CA. or at least they are selling them in local pet stores. and about them not sitting under the basking light because that was at night when i took the pic. all the lights are off. the bigger one like to sit under the basking light in the day time. but the smaller one like to crawl and sit around the cage on the upper level, instead of the top nor the basking spot.
now, i have no problem feeding the bigger one. but, when i feed the smaller one, should i place the food dish on the bottom of the cage or on the branches which is in the middle since he seems like he love to stay on the upper level of the cage?

Anytime...I would put it in the middle, possibly held up in the middle of a few of those sticks. Remember fruit flies are so the cham gets some calories, they are not very nutritious so keep trying different feeders...crix, silkies, occassional small mealworm, possibly dubia...I have a feeling once he starts eating he will be open to different feeders and you can go back to crickets. You just got to get over the hump. Keep us posted.

hey, guys. i have been putting fruit flies, crickets, mealworms, and waxworms in the cage ever since. it seems like mealworms and waxworms are too big for him cux the worms are always in the dish bowl. also, fruit flies and crickets are running around the cage. so i cant really keep counting the amount. but, i see 3-4 feces on the bottom of the cage. does it mean that he has been eating something? i would be so happy if he has. ^_^
LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHA. i saw him ate a small cricket right after i finished typing the message above. thank you guys. i am all cool now. i will post some more pic of him when he got older. HAHA. i am so damn happy.
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