Troubleshooting sudden cage climbing behavior


Established Member
Hi all. I'm concerned about Norman's sudden interest in climbing about his cage sides and top. He's been in my care since August and has never been seen to do that except rare instances when he couldn't find branches to where he wanted to go, but that is not a problem any longer in his habitat. He can reach anywhere by branch, but every day for the last 3 days I've watched him reach for the sides of his screen in the same front left corner, then proceed up to the top (about 4 inches), then hang from the top under the heat lamp area or sometimes under the sun lamp. He seems to come down fairly fast, but that may be due to the cats' going bonkers that he is so exposed and actively moving, causing said cat to pounce at the cage, although Norman generally doesn't bother to come down until I've stood at his cage side peering at him in befuddlement as to why he's making himself an easy target for what is usually just a curious cat.

Possibilities I've considered are: He's feeling active and it's fun to do. He's not getting enough heat or sunlight and wishes to be closer to the lamps. He's lost his friggin mind. He wants to explore the cabinet space above his cage and can't figure out how to get there.

The first one seems unlikely given the activity of my cat afterwards. It must be terrifying to be so exposed, hanging upside down and have a cat hurl himself at the side of your cage. I know I'm distressed! By his color I can't really tell if Norman cares.

The second one would surprise me, as I just LIFTED the lamp because is branch plus his own height put his temps on his back at 100 degrees where I had it before. I've lifted the the lamp a few inches and the thermometer reads 84 at his feet. His sun lamp lies directly on the cage top. thats maybe 4 inches from uppermost perch at foot level, That leaves the last two? Any other ideas?

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled, about 6 months? male, had since beginning of August
  • Handling - never, but I do hand feed or reach my hand in there to be bitten daily in hopes of handling one day
  • Feeding - Mostly dusted crickets and BSF larvae or flies. supplemented with wax worms, roaches when on hand, and BBF larvae or fly, all undusted
  • Supplements - Early on I'd been dusting with calcium with D3 as that was all that was available at pet store. Within last month no more d3 in the calcium, and vitamins once a week. All Rep-cal products.
  • Watering - Auto mister several times a day. only mist 30-45 seconds at a time. Added constant drip except at night.
  • Fecal Description - sometimes daily formed large dark brown stools. I often can't find the urates, but since adding the dripper what I have found is white. Slightly yellow tinged before.
  • History - purchased as juvenile from FLchams

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - screen 36x24x18 reptibreeze
  • Lighting - double lamp(not mini) with one bulb blue something for heat, one regular 40 watt incandescent on the other side for increased light. reptisun 5.0 fluorescent UVB under 18" hood
  • Temperature - cage floor is not monitored (he never goes there), but basking 84, midway down in 70's.
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity? They stay about 45-55%. higher end within a hour or so of misting times, which are 3 or more times a day while awake only. I hand mist as well while shedding.
  • Plants - just pothos on the bottom and right side of cage. Fake ficus type bush provides all climbable surfaces, plus one magnaturals bridge vine and a branch.
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? Living room, high traffic area. bottom of cage is about 28 inches off the floor. top is about 68inches from floor but includes a cabinet, not living space. There is a ceiling fan probably 12 feet up,not directly over cage.
  • Location - Iowa

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.
Here he goes again :(


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From what I can tell from the pictures you need a lot more vines and branches

I'm surprised to hear this. Did you see picture number 3? I really can't imagine having (or him needing) any more branches. it's literally FULL. if I put any more up top he will be to close to his heat source. Which area seems lightly branched to you?
You wrote.... Fake ficus type bush provides all climbable surfaces, plus one magnaturals bridge vine and a branch. How long is that fake plant going to hold his weight? Oh and ONE bridge and A vine. That's why I wrote what I did
You wrote.... Fake ficus type bush provides all climbable surfaces, plus one magnaturals bridge vine and a branch. How long is that fake plant going to hold his weight? Oh and ONE bridge and A vine. That's why I wrote what I did

Ah, I see... I was only thinking of the now, and figured I'd remodel his house as needed as I find he needs more support. Currently, he is sufficiently supported by his ficus which has sturdy wire branches in every conceivable direction (because I can position them so), and where they don't reach I have purposely added the one vine and the one branch to make it so he can. I apologize for not being more open to criticism, it's just that was the last thing I expected to hear, lol. I've many times considered losing the vine because it's so crowded in there!

That said, you are absolutely right that the ficus' days are doubt about it!
Its in their nature to climb

I'm only concerned because it seems...pathological, restless. Its he climbs the same front corner just to get to a place in the back he could have gotten to in two steps just by turning around from his original position, then crawls to the front and repeats the same behavior. And its only been going on for 3 days. I have had him Since August. He literally did it 4 times in a row in a matter of 5 minutes yesterday. That doesn't seem normal. He could go up and down and left an right in his cage, but except when hunting he never shows much interest in exploring the lower areas, I feel like he badly wants to get higher, but is trapped by the top.
I'm feeling like maybe he's no longer happy about his environment. Maybe the cats have been getting too close for comfort, or I'm bothering him too often, and he wants to move out. Maybe he wants a taller house.
Ceycham you are absolutely hysterical a blow up version lol he wants to move out lol

I was only half kidding...I'm willing to do anything at this point to make him feel less wanderlust! My cats had previously just liked to observe, now they are being tempted into a frenzy. Its not good :(
I was only half kidding...I'm willing to do anything at this point to make him feel less wanderlust! My cats had previously just liked to observe, now they are being tempted into a frenzy. Its not good :(
Well my 7 month old. Male veiled chameleon is like that he likes to climb curtains to get closer to the sunlight but most of the time that means he just wants out to walk around and explore and he loves me holding him also sometimes mine does that to get my attention to let me know he wants me its normal
My vote would be exactly what @kinyonga said, he is on the prowl for a lady friend! My veiled right around 6 months was so active and on the move all the time, wandering everywhere in his cage, places he never really cared about going before, he was also dropping sperm plugs:ROFLMAO:

Thank you . I have read over all you linked to. The cat one was disturbing. I wonder if I missed how the cat got to the chameleon? I wasn't clear on if the cat was able to get inside the screen somehow? Something about arger mesh I remember reading about. I have small mesh, but I can see where the back claws of my cat have widened a few spots slightly low in the cage. This is from him leaping up onto the screen and trying to climb it. A very disturbing development. When the cham isn't climbing the cage walls the most the cat does is watch from the floor, or sometimes stretch up with his front paws trying to peer in, which just gets him to bottom level of the cage with his face. Norman has always been well out of his reach in the top branches and usually peers down at the cat like, you wish. If this behavior continues I'm going to have to do some kind of rebuild with plexiglass or glass on the lower half of the cage. Thankfully, as of today I've not noticed any patrolling...
I agree with all the great advice you have received. It is just his age, hormones are kicking in and it is time to get on the move in order to get as far away from once hatching grounds as possible in order to have a bigger chanse to mate with a unrelated female.
I'm sure even thought the chameleon doesn't seem to be stressed by the cat it is and you need to put the chameleon in a place where it doesn't have to see the cat. It's very likely that the cat can get through the screen too.
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