tumor? deformity?

This is NOT my chameleon. Someone is selling it on craigslist. They say it's in good health but ... well look for your self.

I'm trying to figure out if I should rescue it ... I can't take on huge vet bills right now as I have my own critters to care for.

What do you all think? What is this lump?

Could be anything: absess, tumor, fungus, etc... No way of knowing without blood work and a vet visit. You might shoot a pic of that to your vet and see if they will give you an idea of what it could be and the costs assoc with treating it.
good idea

the person who has this chameleon has had it for two months and says he got it like that ... but never took it to the vet. i would be afraid of my other chams catching whatever that is ... even though they are separate and I wash my hands

i'll check with the vet ... thanks
the vet wasn't helpful - they don't want to diagnose by photo. I can't blame them. So beyond an office visit and tests I don't know what it could end up costing ...

I'll have to pass on this poor thing and save my finances for care and feeding of the six I already have.
Im not suprised. People are ignorant and lazy they can obciously see that the animal is getting worse yet do nothing. He better hope karma never bites him in the butt for stuff like that. Good luck & I hope the cham is able to be rehabbed.
Im not suprised. People are ignorant and lazy they can obciously see that the animal is getting worse yet do nothing. He better hope karma never bites him in the butt for stuff like that. Good luck & I hope the cham is able to be rehabbed.

Karma always does ...
Im not suprised. People are ignorant and lazy they can obciously see that the animal is getting worse yet do nothing. He better hope karma never bites him in the butt for stuff like that. Good luck & I hope the cham is able to be rehabbed.

the guy actually thinks the chameleon is "super healthy" to use his exact words.
So i guess the cham is sick when he's lying on the bottom of the enclosure. :rolleyes: Some people have no business keeping any animals or children either. Poor cham, maybe chamoh would/could take him. I know she rehabbs sick/special needs chams. I'd pm her she's in the area and has loads of exp with things like this. That chams going to need alot of work, if its not too late.
well, now he's saying (since I told him I couldn't take it) that he got her (he first said it was definitely a male but now it's a female ...looks like a female to me) checked by a vet and it's a birth defect.
I was mistaken its chamelisa that runs the rescue for chams in san diego area. Her name is Elisa Hinckle. She rescues chams. I dont think she'd be willing to pay for the cham. But if the owner would give her up I think she would prob be willing to try and rehab her.

I have a hard time believing that cham was born with that growth. I mean we've all seen bent casques and other small deformities like kinked tails and eye lid issues. That thing looks like its a foreign growth. Jmpo, Im not a vet and dont pretend to be but that doesnt look like a birth defect.
this guy seems to want money but he's taking offers ... he thinks it's perfectly fine. But I don't want to pay money for a chameleon in that shape and I doubt anyone else would.

I'm suggesting to him that he turn it over to a rescue or something like that.
Good luck, I hope he sees the light so to speak. Its in the best interest of the cham to go to a rescue where someone can POSSIBLY help her. He's trying to pass on a sick cham to a noob with no idea what their getting into. What a complete tool.
Is this guy kidding? That growth is the size of a golf ball. I hope it is not too painful for the cham. But it hurts me just to look at it. :(
you guys are much nicer than I, personally I hope whoever did this to that creature burns in hell with a pineapple up thier backdoor. As far as my guess I would imagine it to be a burn or a bite of some kind that got infected and became a cancerous cyst, perhaps Im wrong and it is a defect but very doubtful.
whats the link for the ad for this animal? Ill get a hold of this person and tell them how I really feel.:mad:
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