Two of our Guys!!


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This is Chongo (Ambilobe) and Tazer (Ambanja). I got these guys from Jim at Chameleon Company a while back... THANKS JIM!! We have eggs incubating from both wish me luck!!
The ambilobe is phenomenal. I have more than a few panthers from Jim and they are all absolutely stunning and in perfect health everytime :) The ambanja has such nice blues too.

Very Studly....

Those are great looking males. Most of my breeder males are WC, but a high percentage of my females have been captive bred by Jim. They have always been in excellent health and beautiful :)
KYchamguy do you hve a pic of a brother or the sire of that ambilobe? I would be curious to see the father as I am looking to add to my full yelow body collection. I only have 2 full yellow body males. One has blue/red bars and one is from Honcho at the cham co and has blue bars usually but when he gets real mad he turns yellowish orange with half green and half red bars.

Yeah the majority of my males are CH, I love seeing how they turn out and I haven't gotten a one that isn't phenominal :) I love the wild caughts but had problems with my first one and spent a ton getting him back to tip top shape, he's all good now after a few vet visits and one at home subcutaneous worm removal. All but one of my females are from the cham co. The one exception being a wild caught female who has major eye swelling problems that have yet to be fully corrected. There was a guy selling her at a local reptile show for $350, I kept pointing out everything that was wrong with her and his husbandry such as; Bite marks all over her, black and bitten tail tip, two major eye infections(that have been cleared up but the vet says the swelling may never totally subside), missing toe nails, and a URI. I kindly offered him $50 for her and stated that the other $300 that I wasn't paying him would likely go towards her vet bills. He acknowledged he had no knowledge of chams a year ago when he got her and that he thought it was great that I wanted her and he finally agreed to let her go for $50. Now she is super healthy and actually just laid and gigantamus clutch of 12 whole eggs. She's super friendly though and loves visiting with the males.

EDIT: Also I do not think I have ever met a person who was dissatisfied with a chameleon they got from Jim. Plus you can't be the prices for sub-adult/adult chams that are out of this world.
WOWWWOWOWOWOW!!! that ambilobe of yours is flaming!!!!

I love Ambanjas! their reds seem to stand out more than any other locale in my opinion. that and their other look a like locales like ankify and even nosy faly and such. I love Ambanja crests! their crests are so pointy and sharp compared to other locales.
you see! look at those reds! theyre like blood stained fire engine red looking! so sexy and perfect! nice animals you got there bighutch917!!!

How old is he? Mine was sired by hanibal as well and he gets those gold eyes!! I was gonna call him "Gold Dust" Beautiful!
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