two Pigmy questions??


New Member
If brevs are kind of prolific breeders and easier to care for then why is it so hard to find CB for sale??

Why is it easier to find Brooksiea species = harder.. to care for.. from suppliers?

Is this just a import issue? also yeh I know miss ID is possible..

But find it really odd, that Brevs seem to be hard to find, or very few CB just WC??

As I like to try this Cham, I prefer to get CB, vs WC.. and also go with the universal recommendation of hey bearded pigmy is a good one, as there is just a heck of a lot of good care info on them.. but funny NO ON HAS THEM??? Why??

right now it seems like anyone "other" than FLChams does not have them.. everyone else seems to have the other species, or all Brookseia sp..

I know there is always a price difference between WC/CB.. but what seems to worry me more not only the price.. but hey easier.. breed like rabbit comments.. yet no one has CB for sale???? weird.. I guess is what is bothering me.. makes me curious how much easier this specific type Is really?

So why no bearded CB Chams for sale??? weird?? why so called "rare" species seem to be what everyone has?? yet Brevs are supposed to be a good starter, and easy to breed??
In my opinion to much WC import kill the market of CB. Another thing is that sometimes other species are sold as R. brevicaudatus. The imports are always sold as adult/old animals very often in poor condition . The eggs need cool temp to incubate. Animals are usually kept to hot without any seasoning and are not interested in breeding.
4 species of Brookesia are commercially available. I think that the availability is the same, they are very rarely available for sale (quotas are almost the same).
The brevicaudatus come from Tanzania and a couple of years ago (2011ish) Tanzanian officials stopped exporting chameleons. It may have been all flora and fauna I don't know but certainly chameleons. Without a supply of the pygmies the captive populations dried up. Late last year Tanzania started exporting again and we are starting to see pygmies come in and as people get them established you should start seeing more captive babies. I hope anyways!
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