TX Hoppers and Locust

My panthers love both of those feeders, I am sure your mellers will too. The cicada is my panthers all time favorite. The buzzing noise seems to cause quite the feeding frenzy.
you guys are lucky.... i have been searching for locust breeders for the past 3 years and i'm not even close to finding one. I live in Canada so i'm having trouble finding anything....:(

any advice is appreciated..
Donna I agree, it is time to give your meller's a treat. And it is a wonderful treat for me, to see you back on the forum.:)
They are very easy to keep and will lay eggs in a deep butter tub filled with sand and you can hatch out some that you know will be safe to eat. I would feed the adults for a few weeks before feeding them to chameleons to purge the gut, they do absorb toxins from agriculture. It is very easy to snip the big back legs with the hard spines with wire cutters. Search Youtube for videos of breeding locusts for vids of them set up for egg laying.
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