U no ? i meen

Even when I'm texting or instant messaging, I still use proper grammar and punctuation (maybe without capital letters in instant messages at times). I can't stand text language or whatever people want to call it. I'm only 20 so all of you can rest assured that some young people still honor proper communication. :rolleyes:
I almost forgot about a specific punctuation pet peeve I have: Quotes used improperly. I often see it used to emphasize a word. It "really" bugs me.
ya i h8 it 2 lyke cnt ppl jus type lyke omg

Honestly, it's one of my biggest pet peeves. I'm not going to say I have the best punctuation and grammar but some things should just be second nature!

I hate the excuse "I'm not in school why should I type well?"
Why shouldn't you? Do you write like that by hand?!

People improperly using 'there, they're and their' drives me bonkers too.

(I'm pretty sure I've made a punctuation error or two in this post lol)
I'm just glad I'm not the only one that has a hard time reading some of the short form posts.
If my Grandfather was still around he would slap you with his newspaper for sure!!;)

That was yesterday's rant...I'm much better today:D
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