uh, oh...

The general rule is to enter a room, and ssearch it from the top down. Literally, from the ceiling down. They climb curtains, and can be found on curtain rods, or in the folds of drapery swags. Hanging on the back of upholstered furniture. We found Guido in the clothes closet, amidst the hanging clothes one time years ago.

BUT, they can hide out down below, too. Guido's favorite place to hide was under the desk, hanging on computer cables. Look twice at each area, you may not see him the first time!

i guess ill try one hanger at a time..... I've been on my hands and knees. I lift the couch up, i opened and closed the blinds, looked behind anything that has wires, moved the fridge out to look behind... man..... I dunno. I hope tomorrow he'll come wondering out of his hiding spot in search of food.:rolleyes: But I HATE thinking "what if hes outside... hes gone.... will he be ok? poor guy!":eek:
If one looks for a lost chameleon at night sometimes they stand out because of the paler colors...and they don't move when they are asleep!
One time Guido climbed into the bookcase. We found him BEHIND several books, tucked into a space on the shelf. Check everywhere. And, like Kinyonga said, especially if you think he may be outside- check at night.

I guess he decided to see what is under the oven.... My GF said she saw him walking across the floor in the kitchen coming from the oven. He was covered in cob webs. She said he seemed like he was in shock. She cleaned him up and put him back in his cage. I had him out.. he seems back to normal.
thank goodness! :) I would have had a heart attack if i was you. glad he's safe and sound

LOL I was almost there! I was thinking all night 'don't use the oven, he COULD be under there' it is the only place I can't get to.

I took this pic of him today while he sat in the sun after i got home from work. This time I kept a close eye on him. He must have lost interest in wondering or learned his lesson. He didn't move from the tree at all lol

And thanks for the support guys... It was a stressful night.
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