umbrella plants


New Member
i am thinking of making my large outdoor enclosure with basically an umbrella plant forest with pothos along the floor and sides. but i read up on umbrella plants and they said that they can get alot of mites or other bugs on them, and the solution was to spray pesticide. so i wanted to know if outdoor umbrella plants is gonna be a problem for my cham, concerning the mites and what not.
have you looked into natural ways of warding off bugs? like mint plants, natural preditors (i.e house geckos, praying mantis) or maybe making at least most of it screened in for better control, like 3 sides and a top
but if i put mantis or other small things in there wouldnt my cham just eat them? and my enclosure mesh has slightly bigger holes than the standard mesh cage you would buy from...say diy or zoo med
i think if you wash the plants before planting and watch them closely it should be ok. and true he would try to eat them but they wont stay on the umbrellas all day everyday. i think making a big out door enclosure would be best tho bc it would stop any accidental run away by your chams
what do you mean they wont stay on the umbrella all day? you mean like they'll go to the bottom or something?

sorry should have stated that more clearly. the praying mantis wont stay. they can fly and such lol. although a larger screen wont matter bc they dont like squeezing in stuff. in my experience if it cant walk through it easily a praying mantis wont try
Ya i have that problem with my umbrella now. I see gnats everywhere in my room now:mad:
well i just got my gold capella, or the umbrella plant without the yellow tinge in the middle of the leaves. i hope the direct sunlight isnt going to kill my plants.
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