
I don't know where you live in the US. If you can just give her 30 min of sun a week. She will get a lot of vit D naturally And that will help her absorb the calcium. Just make sure the temp is above 73 % out side.
That looks just like what I found and thought to be an egg laid by my 7 month old who I think has MBD! What ended up happening here? Was that an egg, and did she lay the rest?
Hi Maddieremington,

Yes Zoey has been laying eggs. They are not fully formed because she is recovering from MBD. Her body is basically (as the vet described) re absorbing the eggs in order to get the calcium back into her body. So far she has laid 4. She has not interest in the laying bin and insists on dropping her little treasures around the base of her basking platform.

She has gotten so much better at the climbing thing. Today she sat on my shoulder for about an hour, just hanging out.
Hey all. Zoey has been doing so good. The calcium supplement has been really helping her out. So far she has laid 11 eggs. She dropped 5 yesterday alone over about an hour or so. She has refused to use the laying bin and insists on using the basking platform.

She has been a constant dark greenish almost black color. But when I handle her to clean her cage, she lightens up.

She is also eating like crazy. Yesterday was 8 crickets and 4 mealworms. I am happy that she is eating mealworms again. She loves them! But a few weeks ago she was too weak to hang onto them and would always spit them out right away. But now her confidence is improving and she is feeling so much better.

Here are some pictures that I took of her yesterday. I even got to watch her lay an egg. Which was awesome.


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