un even shedding


New Member
my chameleon is shedding ,but he does it in sections,,its not a full day of shedding like he used to do it. he has been shedding in sections latley and his head is usually the last to shed.is this normal?:eek:
This is normal. Some chameleons take longer to shed than others. My female takes about a week to completely shed. My male takes about 4 days. What can help to speed it up and cheer them up is to mist them more often, not just the plants. It helps the skin to come off easier and quicker. :)
I think it's a mark of maturity for some chameleons. As babies they blow it all off quickly, as adults it's a bit more subtle....
my chameleon sheds like that too :) first, the tail, then the back, then his legs and feet, and how its moving to his head. its normal, the bigger they get, the harder for them to shed as fast normally..
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