Unhappy baby with food


New Member
Hey I have a 4 month to old veiled chameleon and he does not get excited about food not does he have very much of an apatite. How do I fix this
What are the basking temperatures at now? How much time does he spend sitting in the basking area? What's the temperature in the rest of the cage now?

Are you leaving him in his cage almost all of the day or taking it out and leaving it out for a good part of the day? Are you still putting it on your dog?

What supplements are you using specifically and how often for each? What are you feeding/gutloading the insects with?

How are you watering him?
Do you have a substrate in the cage?
As it stands 85 in basking. And about 70 in the rest. Um I use calcium on the crickets and I dust them. I feed them orange rind. Also dusted with d3 calcium. And no dog for a while I have been letting him be in his cage more but he still comes out 2 times a day until he starts gaping so he wants to go back that's about an hour or so out at a time. And no substraight
Sorry I forgot. I do water him and the boyfriend mists him near 5 times when I'm gone at work. And I got him to hand feed one cricket this morning but aafter one he turned his nose up so I don't think it's fixed yet
How much time does it spend in the basking area?

When he's having issues eating I would be leaving him in the cage as much as possible so he doesn't cool off. They can't digest the food when they are too cool....might be part of his problem.

Also, I wouldn't be putting it on the dog or having it near the dog format while. That also might be part of the problem. This is not a cat or dog that is played with all the time....its a chameleon.

It's important that the calcium is a phosphorous - free calcium powder. And that it's dusted on the insects before almost every feeding for. The phosphorous - free calcium D3 powder should be used lightly twice a month and you should use a vitamin powder with a beta carotene (prOformed) source of vitamin twice a month too. PrOformed sources of vitamin A cannot build up in the system and lead to overdoses like prEformed sources can. If your chameleon shows signs of needing prEformed vitamin A you can give it a little as needed.

Insects such as crickets, roaches, locusts, superworms can be fed a wide range of greens such as collards, escarole, endive, dandelion greens, kale, etc and veggies such as carrots, sweet red pepper, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, etc. You want healthy insects for the chameleon.

Are the insects an appropriate size for the chameleon? (about the width of the space between his eyes).
will do. also i was hopinng to have him be not like a dog or cat but just a free range cham who comes and goes around as he pleases. make him comfertable with the house not just his enclosure.


Re: free ranging...
How are you going to keep him warm enough? How are you going to make sure the dog doesn't accidentally hurt him? How are you going to keep him from climbing on the basking light? How are you going to make sure he gets enough exposure to UVB?
carlie does not hurt him. and he cannnot climb on the heating lamp. he has a uvb lamp and he is in his basking spot all day pretty much, i have seem him doing laps around his enclosure though. and i use pin head crikets.
Are the insects the right size?

If it was me, I would have him out of the cage less. When he's out of the cage he is not able to bask and may not be able to digest his food properly so he's not eating. Also the stress of being handled so much may be part of the problem too. If you don't get him on track soon you may not have him much longer.
Are the insects the right size?

If it was me, I would have him out of the cage less. When he's out of the cage he is not able to bask and may not be able to digest his food properly so he's not eating. Also the stress of being handled so much may be part of the problem too. If you don't get him on track soon you may not have him much longer.
I agree with kinyonga here. Free Range with dogs or cats just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Although they may not seem to be bothersome and your other animals may not seem to appear as wanting to harm your Cham, keep in mind that they still are animals. I have 2 dogs and cats and if I ever have Chevy out, he is under constant supervision or in his outside cage.

Are you only giving your Cham crickets? They need to have a good variety of food ad they get bored quickly. Gut loading them also is important. If you could perhaps post some pictures, that may help out on giving a better view of the issue.
I have been not taking him out for a few days and he is spending a little less time in the basking area. I feel like the best option I have is to get as many types of food Service I can for him
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