Unhealthy Chameleon at Petsmart

Which is why you shouldn't buy animals in poor conditions. They just put more in the same situation. Impulse buys on poorly kept animals fuel the pet stores that take terrible care of their animals.

pssh, I think that's a hard call. There's a similar issue with puppies and puppy mills...if you rescue a puppy from a puppy mill you just encourage the system but if you don't, the puppy suffers more.

My view with a corporate entity would be to try to save the animal if you have the ability to do that, and regardless, raise a fuss.

I mean...think about it, if no one buys the animal, it dies a horrible death...

I don't think we should so fail in our basic humanity that we put the greater good over saving something/someone in immediate need.
I don't see why large scale companies don't just have the "We love ______, that's why we don't sell them." attitude. Eh.
LOL I was in a reptile shop called Reptile Kingdom In Eugene Oregon OMG they have a Nosy be with a extream eye problem one eye was the size of a marble they were asking $399. They have about 15 chameleons there a veild that was black as cole and none of the screen enclosures looked like they have ever seen water the beach wood was dry and no moister in bottom of cage. I sent a letter to humane society.
1. Every petstore has different staff, some care more then others, some are there for the paychecks, and some are there for the reasons I am; to educate new hobbyists, and to improve the current state of the animals.

I couldn't agree more. I worked at a big corporate pet store for about 8 months and all of my co-workers cared a lot about the animals. We all had our preference that we learned about at home and then we shared that information with each other and with customers. My store was lucky because we had a store manager that was pretty loose with the cash so we always had fresh veggies and we could store-use any product on our shelves.
Ugh my Petland's first statement when I ask about a chameleon they just got in is "Do you want to hold it?" I always wonder how many holdings they must endure in a day. I have tried with this store several times just the other week they had Veiled babies labeled as Fischers' I was like I think thats a veiled. There was two in the cage and they was like oh that cham? I was like no both are veileds. The lady read the tag which said fischers and told no no they are both the same they are Fischers.I went in the other day to kill some time and the lady said they both sold so I wonder who got some pretty green high casqued Fischers?
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