Unknown death female panther overnight

Yea I feel bad an miss her. She was gentle always liked my attention an my wife's. My wife was more attached. Noticed with mostly misting today. She did the rest.
My male panther bit her. But wasn't to bad. Think she got to close. He was in a full body shed. Told her to offer crickets an let water do its job with shedding.
He doesn't seem as comfortable around humans as the females do.
Aw. I'm sorry, females seem to be more gentle. Depends on the cham honestly.

& you said "let Water do its job with shedding" but they are dry shedders. So Water doesn't help at all. Would make the shedding worse. When I mist I completely avoid them around shedding time. Just a heads up.
You said the male panther bit her....how was he close enough to bite her? That isn't what made the mark on her side?
Was there any damage to her internally when you cut her open to get the eggs? Would the eggs be fertile?

Are you breeding them? Can the females see the male often? Are they all in separate cages?

They're dry shedders and moistening them during a shed just makes things worse as a rule.

You said the female was climbing your arm to get out of the cage...if that's an unusual/different than normal action for her, then it might mean something...like she's looking for a place to lay the eggs or looking for a male.
She was already passed when she was cut open. I didn't do cut my wife did. She worked as a vet assistant well dogs/cats. She wasn't looking for the eggs. Was looking for impaction an see if superworms we're there an what they effected. Neither was the case but seen the eggs. Doesn't know if it's egg bind because eggs didnt look fully developed.
An why her stool was undigested superworms.
An no the male panther bit my wife. She was feeding crickets an he was hidden. But I think she stuck her finger by him. I warned her he will bite an gets stressed easy.
All separate cages an would of been infertile eggs. She was next to older female.
I didn know that with misting actually thought it helps. Even when there puffing out an getting stressed. From shed that won't fall off.
Could say both but I don't breed them. Don't even know where to start. I would be afraid male an female would kill each other.
Had a question kinda off topic.
I wanted to move my veiled chameleon male. Next to my older female panther cage. Would that be ok. Only thing that would be a splitter is the plastic window insulation clear on female right side of cage. But think they could see each other. Not sure
An why her stool was undigested superworms.
I think more likely it was undigested exoskeleton. Chiten is difficult to digest, but when reptiles chew them up (breaking the exoskeleton), the innards can be digested quite well, whether they squish out or the stomach acids work their way in.

Had a question kinda off topic.
I wanted to move my veiled chameleon male. Next to my older female panther cage. Would that be ok. Only thing that would be a splitter is the plastic window insulation clear on female right side of cage. But think they could see each other. Not sure
It's your thread. :)

I would still put an opaque barrier between the enclosures. It could be as simple as a black poly bag, or as complex as a piece of hardboard or other opaque sheet stock.
IMHO....almost all chameleon species should be visually separated...even females should be visually separated from other females. There is less stress on them all then.

Veiled chameleons also communicate through vibrations so it might even be necessary that they are separated by some space...cages not touching. Just my opinion...no real proof from studies.

Did your girlfriend see anything she though was unusual when she cut the female open?

For breeding, you need to know what you're doing to ensure that the chameleons get through it without harming each other.
Kenny Barnett and I communicated a few times when he was studying the vibrations and other things involved with chameleons.

I've felt some other chameleon species besides veileds do some vibration as well....brookesia theili for one.
Off-topic! It’s fascinating thing to experience, felt it with my female doing it. The vibration are really noticeable, 9 out of 10 when she opens her mouth to threat me and then touch her. Also it’s visually noticeable, behind their head the neck flap starts to shiver quickly.
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