Unknown Problems with Veiled Chameleon


So my Veiled has started going days without eating. He has gone days without moving, while sleeping during the day. I used to feed him small sized dubia roaches, large crickets, and superworms(occasionally). Since he hasnt been eating that good he hasnt been able to take in the amount of supplements that he needs. I do Calcium without D3 just about every feeding, D3 Calcium about once a month, and vitamins here and there. When my veiled does walk around he has his left eye closed shut, his right eye is open. It is not closed shut, he just keeps it shut. For whatever reason is beyond me. He has not been looking too good, and being the empathetic person I am I know somethings wrong with him. I just dont know what. I am seriously concerned, I will be taking him to an exotic vet soon. I will provide pictures of his enclosure.

And heres the more serious problem I am worried about: I pulled some long hard thing out of my chameleons rectum. It looked like poop or dry poop but it was hard, and it wasnt like left over stool from him going to the bathroom but he literally had something hard en-lodged into his rectum and it was sticking out. Me being me, I got my needle nosed plyers and attempted to pull it out SLOWLY. I didnt want to hurt my lil guy. And FYI, my cham has always been aggressive and this is the first time ever that he has let me touch him without him freaking out. He just sat there and accepted what I was doing because Im sure he knew I was trying to help the poor guy... but I eventually pulled this hard thing out of my chameleons rectum(pictures below). He seemed to feel better after that but Im sure thats not the problem because something else caused that hard "thing" to get lodged in his butt. Fed him some superworms until he stopped accepting them, he only ate superworms cause thats the only thing he was interested in at the time. Misted him down with some warm dechlorinated water, and put him back in his cage.

I currently have a UVB bulb, two heat bulbs (one daytime bulb and one night time bulb), and an automatic misting system which mists his cage every 2 hours for 14 seconds. Lights stay on for 12 hours exact, 7am-7pm. The bulbs are atleast 75watts, I do not know exactly due to me throwing away the boxes to the bulbs. Also, his water IS dechlorinated/detoxified.

Please enlighten me!

Heres his current condition:
His cage setup

Sleeping during the day

Left eye is closed (rarely opens), right eye is open but not in picture

And the "thing" that came out of his butt

Some questions - Is that Philodendron? If so, how long has it been in the enclosure? What are your temps at night in the house?

The "hard thing" you pulled from the vent was a sperm plug. You did the right thing by getting it out, but you want to try and soften before doing so as to not damage the vent.
Some questions - Is that Philodendron? If so, how long has it been in the enclosure? What are your temps at night in the house?

The "hard thing" you pulled from the vent was a sperm plug. You did the right thing by getting it out, but you want to try and soften before doing so as to not damage the vent.

Thank god it was a sperm plug, if it was. It seemed to slide right out once I applied some force to it. Yes that is a Philodendron, It has been in his cage for about the past 2 months. I used to have an Umbrella Plant in his cage before I put the philodendron because the umbrella plant got somewhat destroyed from him. I could swap the plants out if that is causing any problems and/or toxicity (I tried looking the Philodendron up but couldnt find any information on if it was safe or unsafe for chameleons). My house usually has a heater running during cold days, house is at 70ish. His cage is a little over that, and hes always huddled up near one of his heat lamps. Our house is dry to the bone, the humidity is low in my house but I try to prevent that in his cage with mistings. All lights go out during the night. And can get as low as 66 degrees fahrenheit in my house. I also cover his cage up every night to keep his cage dark and so that whatever heat is left stays in there.
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Yes, you will want to remove the philodendron immediately. Veileds are notorious plant eaters/nibblers, and biting this particular plant causes it to release calcium oxilate crystals. Very bad news for chameleons. I would get it out ASAP. Also, if it were my chameleon, I would schedule a vet appointment.

I am not saying that this is the cause, but I would have to know for sure. Being the age he is and having all his issues occur in a short amount of time...you have to look at changes in your husbandry. Also, there is no need for a night light unless the ambient temp of your home gets below 60. Having a light on all night will screw with his sleeping patterns and overall health.
Yes, you will want to remove the philodendron immediately. Veileds are notorious plant eaters/nibblers, and biting this particular plant causes it to release calcium oxilate crystals. Very bad news for chameleons. I would get it out ASAP. Also, if it were my chameleon, I would schedule a vet appointment.

I am not saying that this is the cause, but I would have to know for sure. Being the age he is and having all his issues occur in a short amount of time...you have to look at changes in your husbandry. Also, there is no need for a night light unless the ambient temp of your home gets below 60. Having a light on all night will screw with his sleeping patterns and overall health.

No lights are on during the night for him! He has never ate or attempted to eat any plants or plant matter. The only thing plant-wise that he will eat is fruit. I will still remove his plant and replace it back with the Umbrella plant. I have a red heat bulb that stays on throughout the day primarily as a heat source, never stays on during the night. But I also have a normal heat bulb, and UVB of course.
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If the sperm plug was very impacted, along with the eye issues it might be something related to a lack of vitamin A. The not eating reminds me of my rescue Veiled. Attaching an article for your reference.

Bring it up to your vet and see what they think.


  • Chameleons and vitamin A.pdf
    438.7 KB · Views: 442
If the sperm plug was very impacted, along with the eye issues it might be something related to a lack of vitamin A. The not eating reminds me of my rescue Veiled. Attaching an article for your reference.

Bring it up to your vet and see what they think.

I cannot open that .pdf file for some reason :I
do u dust you crickets / food with vitamin dust too? that is an important thing also. Just from hearing that he is sleeping during the day is a bad sign meaning he is weak, i know from prier experience. My old cham had pneumonia and died because of that. it took over his body and made him weak and lethargic, not saying this is what your cham has but from what you are saying these are the same signs my cham had. pls send him to the vet asap
Just checked his eye with a flashlight, and it has BLOOD in it! This has got me on edge and Im getting very emotional the more and more I find whats wrong with my lil guy :'(
I currently took him out of his cage so hes not grasping for life and let him just sit in a warm blanket while Im observing him and making these posts. The eye that is usually shut.. he kinda tries to open his eye and he does but it doesnt stay open for long. He has blood in his eye!
I currently took him out of his cage so hes not grasping for life and let him just sit in a warm blanket while Im observing him and making these posts. The eye that is usually shut.. he kinda tries to open his eye and he does but it doesnt stay open for long. He has blood in his eye!
I'm so happy to hear that there is blood!!! That is good but with all the other signs I'm not so sure what is wrong. I have your little chameleon in my thoughts and prayers <3
I'm so happy to hear that there is blood!!! That is good but with all the other signs I'm not so sure what is wrong. I have your little chameleon in my thoughts and prayers <3

How is having blood in his eye that he keeps shut, good? Just curious. I appreciate you being concerned
My lil guy is walking around in his cage instead of just confining himself in a corner with his eyes shut. He seems to be trying to move around. I even made him an all natural fruit smoothie blend for him to munch, which he slammed down quickly. He does seem weak, but not to the point where he is unable to do anything.
My lil guy is walking around in his cage instead of just confining himself in a corner with his eyes shut. He seems to be trying to move around. I even made him an all natural fruit smoothie blend for him to munch, which he slammed down quickly. He does seem weak, but not to the point where he is unable to do anything.
That's good that he is starting to move around and ate something. Try feeding him more of the smoothing and he still wants more of the smoothie maybe give his a meal worm or something he likes. Try to dust everything he eats so he will get some strength in him
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