unusual sleeping spot, is that ok?


hi guys i'm new with chameleons and i recently bought (10 days ago) a young female veiled chameleon. she's wonderful, i own a big homemade cage well ventilated with 3 mesh sides, she doesn't seems to have any problem with air, the basking spot is around 82-86° (28-30 celsius). she eats and drinks regularly. 2 times a week crickets with calcium+d3 and 5 times a week crickets with calcium only). there are pothos and other safe plants in the cage along with different branches. it seems everything okay except for the unusual sleeping spot, is that normal? :p

since 2 days when its time to sleep she goes on the upper right corner of the cage instead of laying on a nice branch, lol i'm just worried about the comfort of that zone. at the beginning i thought it was for the air but during the day she doesn't show breathing problems, she's fine.

this is the pic of her(sorry for the low quality pic), can you tell me if that's normal? does your chameleons sleep in weird ways too? thanks :)


  • WhatsApp Image 2017-10-22 at 20.00.12.jpeg
    WhatsApp Image 2017-10-22 at 20.00.12.jpeg
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She may adopt a more typical sleeping spot after she settles in. Does your cage offer a variety of branches at different levels of the cage? Pictures of your setup might be helpful.
oh alright then, i was just worried, thank you Kinyonga.

Btw yeah i have different branches on different levels of the cage, that's not a problem, sometimes she hides between the pothos leafs :) and i'm planning to buy also fake vines by exoterra to complete the setup (its already complete but you know, some spots are difficult to reach) . i'll post the complete setup pic asap. thanks Jacksjill.
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Some of them sleep in weird places and others sleep on the branches. She must like it there...feel safe...be in a dark enough spot or something.
I agree, my chameleon also slept somewhere weird at first for the first week or two, but now he doesn't do that anymore. I'd just watch your cham a little bit just to make sure there is no problem, but some chams just sleep in weird positions at night.
Mine all slept in funky, weird spots until they found the one they really liked the best! Also just as a heads up, I would only dust with the calcium with d3 twice a month, a multivitamin twice a month, and the rest of the feedings with calcium without d3! Congratulations on your new little one:)
thanks guys for the answers, PS: last time my chameleon pooped was 2 days ago, but the feces are ok, do i have to worry about it? i heard chameleons poop everyday and mine doesn't follow this schedule for sure xD
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Are you sure she isn't pooping somewhere you don't see it? She probably hasn't established a regular spot yet. Panthers and jackson's tend to do that don't know about veiled.
i don't see anything, tomorrow morning i'll try to see better between the pothos leaves but i can't smell it anywhere (lol). how long can she be ok without pooping? btw she seems to poop always in a certain spot, on a low branch, she did that for 3 consecutive times..
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