Upcoming Meeting of the South Bay Chameleon Keepers group

Dave Weldon

Avid Member
Howdy All,

If you live near enough to travel to Torrance, California east of the 405 Fwy on Artesia Blvd, there is another SBCK meeting this coming Tuesday, January 29th from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Toyota Automobile Museum. The address is 2076 West Artesia Blvd. in Torrance. In case you need to call (got lost :eek:?), the facility phone number is (310) 468-4728. It's easy to accidentally drive right by the building since it is hard to see it at night. Check Mapquest etc. to make sure that you know where to turn into the driveway! Meetings are pretty much free flowing with all chameleon topics open for discussion. We're still sorting-out ideas for group bulk-buys (silkworms etc.) at future meetings :).

Don't hesitate to toss an email at [email protected] if you think you might be coming. Didn't RSVP? Come anyway :D.
"If you tell people that there will be punch and pie... people will come" -Southpark.

If it's not raining hard, then i'll try and make it out. I have work till 6 and I'm from LA but would like to attend these.
hey dave,
what are these meetings about?

do they sale chams or is it an information meeting?

The meetings have been pretty simple so far. "Show and Tell" discussions among the small group. No one has brought chameleons with them to sell but some have discussed what they have for sale. Some of us have brought our chameleon books and magazines along with various items to spark discussions :). Don't expect a lot from the meeting and you won't be too dissapointed :D. The whole thing is still in its infancy. One member may be bringing her large dubia colony to sell but that's not for sure...
I'm in the northern section of the Santa Monica Bay. Can I still come over;) I'm going to see what tomorrow brings and if I can make it down. If not tomorrow, I'll make some of the future ones for sure.:cool:
I am going to try and make it to this one! Maybe I can bring some lights to test? Dave will you have your meter?:D

Any idea how much the dubia colony might cost?:confused:
i'll try to make it too Dave if it's not raining too hard.
Dave can i get the city and zip code? I'll need it for my crappy GPS :D
DJ, if you decide to come, i'll bring my excess worm.
my friend does not reply me with the butter worm; so, i'll bring it too.
That was a great meeting...very informative (thanks dave!) and good company. I'll be looking forward to the next one. :)

Hopefully by the next meeting I'll be the one with the giant tub of roaches...lol.
I am sorry I couldn't make it... I was dead tired from work and took a nap... when my GF came home from work it induced an extreme level of lazyness. Wish I could have gotten some Dubia... My chams still aren't eating... wonder if roaches might look interesting to my boys.
Hey Dave, I too am sorry I couldn't make it. I had it planned and map-quested but got behind on my homework. I know that sounds like the oldest lamest excuse but my procrastination caught up with me. I finished the HW around 7:15 and knew that since it's in Torrence I would never make it in time. Anyway, I already have my calender marked for the next one. When is the next one by the way. :)
Howdy All,

The next meeting is currently scheduled for February 26, 2008 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

It'll be at the same location:
Toyota Automobile Museum (no sign!)
2076 Artesia Blvd
Torrance, CA 90504.

I had posted that it was at "West" Artesia Blvd. but it seems that it must be just Artesia Blvd :eek:. All of the online map tools confirm it. It is a little bit tricky to find because the building is set back from the street and doesn't have any signs except for one (tall white sign) that has "2076" near the driveway. See you next month!

P.S. If schedules line-up, one of us may do a bulk order (~500+) of silkworms and divide them up for sale. It helps to spread out the shipping costs etc. There will probably be dubia again too! Oh, and if anyone is looking for Lobster roaches, let me know in advance.
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