Update: blind crippled panther

Wow this had turned into a real debate. I myself did initally think that breeding a cham who has been poorly was risky thing to do. I was interested to hear the oppinion that poor diet early in life could have an impact on the offspring though. I have not heard it said that a human, for instance that has had a poor diet as a kid, should not have children when they are adult and now eating a good balanced diet..... It would be interesting to know to if this does have a major impact on offspring! This is actually quite a scary thought!!!

Thank you for posting the pictures of your cham. It is great to hear how well she is now ^__^
I think all the pontificating based on long-reaching speculation ignores some inconvenient realities. Some here seem to want to say that there was a greater likelihood that Gesang's eggs would be either no good, or of diminished capacity, and therefore should not have accepted an increased risk to the dam, or the possibility of producing impaired babies.

Can I have a show of hands of those who have bred female chameleons that they thought were healthy, yet the animal perished during, or soon after, pregnancy ? A show of hands of those who had clutches that did not hatch ? A show of hands of those who thought they did all things correctly and the babies hatched weak, and may not have survived more than a week or two ? Keep your hand up if you think these results mirror results in the wild .............. if your hand is still up, you need to get out of chameleons IMMHO, as we (you and me) fail with captive chameleons at a far higher rate than happens in the wild.

Point being, everyone has either had the above experiences, or knows someone who has had these poor results, and yet we keep trying, apparently with no ethical misgivings, or at least not enough to stop trying.

Knowledge without experience is just information. ;)
Guilty man!


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I thinkthat picture of her napping upsidedown is so adorable that is the cutes thing ive seen ;)..... She is gorgeous!!!
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