update from yesterday


New Member
I posted yesterday that my little one was not doing well. He seemed better last night but today when I got home from work he was laying on the bottom of the cage looking half dead! He won't drink even if I drip it on his nose, he seems very weak and "out of it" - he tries to climb when there is nothing there to climb. Is there anything I can do ? I just noticed he has some stool/urates stuck coming out of his vent - I will try to soak it see if I can get it out
so he cannot hold onto anything then, but is trying to climb? i was reading your other post... so the two weeks you have had him he has never had a basking bulb?
What would you say was the common abient temp after you took it off? Does anyone else think this chameleon could be impacted?
Im sorry. I read your other post again, and nothing is "popping out". I wish I had more to add. I was very happy when I heard he was doing better last nite. I have very limited experience, just dont give up on him! Maybe a smaller "rehabilitation" enclosure would be best. That way he gets heat and uvb, while he cant move around. :(
I think that not having a basking bulb and being able to warm and digest food has something to do with what is wrong. It is just an opinion here....
I think that not having a basking bulb and being able to warm and digest food has something to do with what is wrong. It is just an opinion here....

I agree, but wheres the weak link here? A vit defeciency? Imbalance? And what are the reprocousions? I am ignorant as to how to fix this issue. It seems like there should be a fix.:( :mad:
I remembered my friend was working emergency tonight ( a vet) and he sees herps! Took my baby over there and he will see what he can do to save him! Keep your fingers crossed please
basking temps should be at least 80.
as previously stated, they need the heat to be able to digest, which could be why his feces is stuck in his vent right now.

so why did you remove the basking light?
Remember that if you can't digest your food then it just rots in your gut. It doesn't just sit there and magically go way, it will just sit and rot. So while 70*F isn't too cold, it may not be ideal during a prolonged period of time. So perhaps this has weakened him to infections.

I'm hoping for the best for your little guy! But if you get him back your #1 priority HAS to be to get him a basking bulb. It is paramount to his well-being, especially if he's sick. You can find one at any home depot for $5 plus a bulb pack for $4-6.
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