Ok, so a lot of people posted on my other thread where I asked why my male chameleon was so fat, turns out he is a she and she is gravid, unknown if the eggs are fertile.This happened right after I got her at the reptile show so the eggs very well might be fertile.So I noticed she just stopped eating and has gotten more interested in her little sand box.I am not sure if she has layed them yet.I have a scale the the previous week she was 19-20 grams.I will weigh her again if she is not near the sand box.Is there something that will show that she has layed other than disturbing her?I will move within the next 2 days into a diy screen 2' 2' 4' cage.I haven't been taking her out lately because there has been bad weather and a lot of birds when there isn't. Should I be worried about mocking birds, herons, etc.?P.S. there are too many Skrillex haters on this earth.If You agree then say in your reply that you do.