Update on Tango


New Member
I adore this photograph, so I thought I would share it!
This is my baby flapneck, Tango, he's between 12 and 15 weeks old this week =) How does he look? He seems very healthy, and greedy!
If he were just a month younger you could have used that pic for the photo contest...but then again there is always next month! :)
Thankyou guys, he's such a little cutie, but terrified of my camera lol, so I'm so pleased with this photograph!
Hey I was wondering where you got the info on your chameleon? I also have a flapneck and I am having trouble with him right now. Will you please have a look at my recent post in health section and if you have any info I will greatly apprec.
Hey I was wondering where you got the info on your chameleon? I also have a flapneck and I am having trouble with him right now. Will you please have a look at my recent post in health section and if you have any info I will greatly apprec.

Hey, I read your post but I don't really know what to say, I get all of my advice from the breeder I bought the chameleon from, I'll run this problem past him if I can see him in time to help you! I hope your little guy gets better, I really do.

For everyone else, here's a couple more photos of my pretty little guy, he's starting to get used to my camera.


Hate to break it to you (again) :eek:... but that's a girl dilepis!
Excellent photos!


Are you certain? I read somewhere that the males have orange on their chins instead of white, and he deffinately has orange lines on his chin.. when he's angry or eating.
Are you certain?

You know what... I'm not positive! :p As you know, my knowledge lies with the bitaeniatus group and not so much with the dilepis as a whole. What you are saying abewt the colour of gular grooves could very well be correct for one of the dilepis sub-species. My guess of female is solely based on the hemipenal bulge or lack thereof on your specimen. Males of the dilepis dilepis are easily sexed by that.

Here are a few pics of my baby/juvie female dilepis dilepis for comparison. She is not much older than yours.




For the life of me, I can not find a pic of the male clutchmate to my female so I'll have Brandy post a few of her male for comparison sake.

If you have not read it already, here is an excellent article of the dilepis complex that might help you figure out what you've got! http://www.chameleonnews.com/dilepis.html

I like how the dilepis walk with their tails above their heads. I have not noticed this behaviour in other chameleon species. Does yours do that?


your little girl is adorable!
Mine does has an ever so *slight* bulge, though granted not so well seen, I'll take some shots of his tail when I can.
Yes, he/she DOES hold their tale like that, makes me giggle all the time!
Here is the male flap his budge was visible since birth


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