Update on the female that has been gravid for 55+ days

I'll let you know when I get back. I asked my boyfriend how many eggs he thought were in there and he said 8! :) He's silly. Then he remembered that their eggs are not very large at all. He now guesses about 20. I'm not sure how many I think there are.
Oh my goodness! She's still so beautiful even when filled up with babes. I can only imagine her relief after she laid the eggs. What an exciting and nerve wracking time!
Yes! She had me worried! I couldnt find ANYTHING on panthers being gravid for more than 45 days!

The count is in!!!! 19 eggies!
Wow I would have guessed closer to 35 eggs! She looked like she was filled to capacity! :D

What a relief! Now the longer wait begins, so lets hope the babies don't decide to take 11 months to hatch!
Congrats Pssh! Best of luck with the eggs, and hope Chubby recovers well :)
Now its the wait for my female to lay... She is not eating as much, looking quite huge but not on the 30 day mark yet...Another breeder here in S.A told me the longest hes had females gestate was +-60 days!
This is my fatty. Wonder how many she will lay.
Update. Absolutely no signs of a second clutch yet. I dount she will have one either. It seems that this pregnancy has flipped on her growth button. She is almost normal sized now. :)
I dont think i'm going to mate her again (for now at least.) I was going to if she kept cycling, but since it doesn't really look like she is I dont want to.
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