update to panther eating things he shouldn't


New Member
well i've put some more vines and branches in the viv which Levi immediately started climbing and exploring :D

Ive changed how his dripper drips and ive now moved loads more leaves under it...

His red light is set on the minimum temeperature over night so only if it gets really cold it comes on...

i'm looking into real plants and have printed the page showing what he can have in there - thanks solid snake ;)

He is getting misted 3 times a day... i've yet to see him drink though, he used to drink straight away but maybe now his dripper works better and everything is wetter when he has been misted that he just isnt thirsty so isnt going straight over to drink?? :confused:

here are some up to date piccies.. sorry the viv photo isnt that close but does give you an ideea...i have 2 more artificial plants arriving tomorrow like the one on the left of the viv as he sleeps in there and he is getting a bit big for it so with more cover he should be happier :)

How does he look health wise? Thanks again for all your help :)


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Hi Joanna , I would recommend you to get him a screen cage and the red light should be changed to a ceramic heat bulb. Sometimes that red light will lead them to stress. Chams like to sleep in the dark like us . Nice Cham by the way!
well i've put some more vines and branches in the viv which Levi immediately started climbing and exploring :D

Ive changed how his dripper drips and ive now moved loads more leaves under it...

His red light is set on the minimum temeperature over night so only if it gets really cold it comes on...

i'm looking into real plants and have printed the page showing what he can have in there - thanks solid snake ;)

He is getting misted 3 times a day... i've yet to see him drink though, he used to drink straight away but maybe now his dripper works better and everything is wetter when he has been misted that he just isnt thirsty so isnt going straight over to drink?? :confused:

here are some up to date piccies.. sorry the viv photo isnt that close but does give you an ideea...i have 2 more artificial plants arriving tomorrow like the one on the left of the viv as he sleeps in there and he is getting a bit big for it so with more cover he should be happier :)

How does he look health wise? Thanks again for all your help :)

I agree on the red light switched to ceramic bulb, but you may not even need it, how cold does it drop? A temperature drop to the mid 60s is actually good for panthers.

Does the cage dry out between mists? In a glass terrarium it's hard to believe it needs 3 mists, make sure it drys out between and that it's completely dry before the light shuts off at night. Otherwise you could run into RI problems.

Glass terrarium is fine. The only problem is if he is getting too big for you current enclosure, if he has reached a year and a half of age he needs a minimum of 2'x2'x4'. If you can afford that size in glass with proper ventilation then good for you, but I can't :) How old is he?

I would really suggest you not buy any more artificial plants, you're wasting money. Go to home depot and buy a pothos and a schefflera arboricola. They are $10 a piece and easy to take care of. You can search for links on how to repot them on the forum.

If you have real plants, and they hold water in the leaves, he will drink from there, and be less likely to nibble on everything looking for moisture.
how low are the temps at night?? chams do fine down to 60 no prob, its actually good for them and extends their life to have good cool downs at night ( my rooms gets to 58 at night in the winter, i have no heat at night for them, especially light, they need totall darkness like i do to sleep):D
goes down to 60 over night, if he is fine that low i'll turn the thermostat off completely over night.... :)

He was up before his light came on this morning sat under his bulb waiting for it to come on so then i feel mean that he is cold?!

How do i know if he is cold?

Thanks for all your help x
My guy turns white and moves to his sleep spot about 15 minutes before the light turns off. I think that just shows how their internal clocks know when things are about to happen. I would guess he's just waking up and going where he knows it's about to be warm.

What is your light on/off schedule?
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