Updated Baby Melleri Pics


Ace asked for these.....

I actually just uploaded these onto facebook tonight. :rolleyes:

Finally was able to get these little gems out for some real sun yesterday.




Tree O' Babies

How many do you see?
OH WoW you are fast Julie:eek::D lol

first THANK YOU:):p

second.....AWSOME haha:D

they look great and getting big i see:cool:

the last pic is hilarious!!! i think i counted 7???? do i win :D lol
They sure look great! Just curious... About how many feeders a week total for the clutch? Cheers!
They are so sweet. Seeing the pictures just doesn't compare to how cute they were in person. But the pictures are soooo adorable. I can't wait for my little guy to get home.:D
They are looking GREAT!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. That last one reminds me of a puppy pile in cham form...super cute!!
Thanks everyone! Yes, they are such a joy to deal with. Like the adults, they are my favorite babies I've ever had, and not just because I've waited so long for them either. They have, again like the adults, the best personalities in my opinion.

I have had a few die-offs, which I expected, but otherwise they have been doing fine. Just getting ready to switch the rest of them over to cages early this week. I tried to keep them in bins for as long as possible, but they are just way too big. :D I, of course, will be keeping some just because I'm selfish. ;)

They sure look great! Just curious... About how many feeders a week total for the clutch? Cheers!

Well, that's really hard to say. I generally keep way more feeders than I need, just because it's not as easy to get them as it is in other parts of the country so I order them weekly. You'd think being in Chicago that things would tend to be plentiful, but this is not exactly the best place to get "reptile-related" things, feeders, etc. If I had the capital, believe me I would be starting a reptile-only store and have all the CORRECT stuff that is needed including feeders, etc.

Also (news), the Lord taketh just as He giveth. I am losing my big stud male, Magna Cham. I can't talk about it too much because I will start to lose it. This is the dad to these babies and he was the dad to all the previous clutches (different mom) that didn't make it. He has always been my big boy - one that was ready to breed just like a panther and didn't care if I was standing there or not. He started his decline with the loss of Newbie (mom to the previous clutches) and he just hasn't been the same since. I know these guys are extremely social and I'm attributing his slow decline to that because I have not been able to pinpoint anything else. I'm expecting to lose him sometime this week. :(:(:(:(
Sorry to hear your having to deal with that terrible loss. Its the unfortunate part of cham ownership. They are so easy to get attached to and when they go they do leave a void. Enjoy these babies and know that Magna's personality will live on thru them....
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