Updated Scotty pics


Avid Member
Got some pics this morning of Scotty having breakfast. Every time I look at this guy I am amazed how bright his reds are. Cannot wait to see what the babies are going to turn out to be. Hoping for RBBB like their daddy.


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Got some pics this morning of Scotty having breakfast. Every time I look at this guy I am amazed how bright his reds are. Cannot wait to see what the babies are going to turn out to be. Hoping for RBBB like their daddy.

He's going to regret that chili verde burrito he just munched down in about 8 hours during the exit, lol.
Scotty looks great, wouldn't mind having one of his offsprings. I've been thinking about getting a panther as of late. if you would pm if or when you will have any for sale. Thanks!
Thanks for all the replys!

Dan, I paired him with Iris and have another female lined up for him as well.

Thanks Olivia! I will need to enter that one in one of the photo contests. That would be really cool.

Dave, sent you a PM.
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