Updates to the Melleri Discovery site

If I wanted one I would have spent a lot more time reading.
Kudos on the website though.
I read a lot about caging, but seems very imformative.
I'm a bit lazy to read all of it, so I have a couple of questions.
How long do they live?
How long is incubation?
can't make a donation... a page doesn't come up. :(

Sorry, it's down for now. The bots spammed like crazy. PM me if you would like to make a donation. I also still make & sell the ceramic calyptratus tiles and the melleri pins.

On the subject of donations to chameleon groups, I have only found one group that directly benefits chameleons and other herps.

Recently, I was part of a project that sent funds to a facility in Madagascar which rehabs and releases wild animals recovered from illegal export busts. One hundred percent of the funds raised from the two Pyxis tortoise sculpture limited editions went to this facility; that money bought new tort enclosures and hired more security guards. Some busts are hundreds of animals of various species, so it is no small effort to rehab them (most are not fed or watered while awaiting their illegal export). This facility also rehabbed chams, and I'd like to help them out more. The dollar goes pretty far there, and it gives locals an economic incentive to protect their ecological treasures.

It's a tad more imperative than sending my happy butt to Tanz for research!;)
Kristina's ceramic work is fantastic - amazing stuff. That calyptratus tile is my favorite decoration at my work desk - I use it as a paperweight. Really. I keep stacks of applications on my desk, and I keep it on top of my important stuff. It's always in view and safe from damage.
Love the new info on the MD site, nice work!! The new juvenile section was very helpful, great read.

Thank you for the feedback on the site and the additions (and the tile). It's always a work in progress, one of those projects that grows with each new year.

I'd really like to add a new gallery of CB and CH by other keepers. I've only got a couple so far, not enough to flesh out a page. I'd like to show that more people have had hatching or breeding successes and growth into adulthood. If you're reading this, and own CH or CB, you are invited to submit a good, clear pic of your own melleri for this gallery.
July update is live today!

The latest MD additions are the breeding/courting/receptive colors pix added to the Breeding page, AND a Juvenile Cage photo tutorial. Over the past month, more videos were added, and more are coming. They all have authorship notations now, too!
Just wanted to say that I personally am very impressed with the level of work and commitment you have put in with this species, you can really tell. Not only that; but you have created an awesome site to share your research with the world, and everyone can benifit from that. Truely inspiring... Thanks Kristina!:) Meller's All over the world are thanking you!

Great site, I wish there were sites like this for every type of chameleon, I always enjoy finding comprehensive and concise information in one source.
:)I'm smiling. Thank you, always nice to hear it helps others.

Joe, are all those Meller's golf-clapping?

I wish there were more species-devoted sites, too. There is so much to learn!
September 08

Once again, the MD has some new updates.

For those with babies growing, there is a (house) Fly Feeder Tutorial. It's short, it's easy to make, and it's enrichment for your baby chameleons.

The Breeding page has a pic of melleri embryos, back by popular demand. Kidding. But it is back.

There is a CB addition to the Clutch Report for 2008.

A bunch of dead links have been removed or replaced.

Tonight on the MD: some new behavioral videos. These are the ones I have been promising to add to the site for months now. The web guy says it is likely to be done tonight. I am working on the text commentary for all the behavior vids on the MD, which points out the signals of each animal.
Kristina your site is like the Melleri Bible, an invaluble source of info. I direct people to it all of the time......... Thank you.
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