Urgent advice

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Phosphorus is a ingredient in most calcium products. it's meant to help the absorption of calcium but to much is bad. since crickets have a high phosphorus to calcium ratio it's best to not have to much. I will put it this way if you drink to much water you get a stomach ache the result is water poisoning.
HELLOOO WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL POSTING ON THIS this is a troll and further more my jokes get taken down in seconds how is this thread still active ????? Laurie, Brad, ferret someone please end this nonsense????
Thanks ma'am ill read it may I ask where you got it and who wrote it. If its a professnal I have no problem reading it. I read pet smarts care sheet and look where that got me. Why I ask

I wrote it. As you can see I'm a veterinarian and have been very active in this community here. The care sheet was written off of my successful experiences as well as those of the other long term successful keepers in the hobby.
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