Urgent Hornworm question please!


New Member
Recently came into 5 wild caught hornworms, 4 are pretty much 2.5-3 inches long, pretty huge and one is about an inch and a half. i was just wondering if i could feed the smallest one ONLY ONE to my panther. i know tomatoes are high in Vit A and thats why they are advised against but will 1 hornworm really do that much damage to my panther? ive never fed him horns before so i am DYING to feed it to him. the other 4 im going to try and turn into coccoons.
I wouldn't chance the wild ones. A horn worm that has previously eaten tomato plant is poisonous to your chameleon.
The tomato is not the poison part, it is the leaves. It has nothing to do with Vitamin A. Tomato plants are part of the Nightshade plant family.

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