URGENT!! Sunken Eyes!!


New Member
Petrie hasn't laid any eggs yet that we've noticed, but she does look smaller and I no longer see the marble effect in her stomach. We went away for the weekend and I came home and noticed she has sunken eyes. Could this be egg bound or dehydrated? I currently have her in the bathroom with steam running as well as misting her every five minutes with warm water and trying to give her oral calcium but she won't open her mouth for me. I will be calling the vet to make an appointment but I just wondered if anyone had any other suggestions.

Sorry the photos are foggy - it's from the steam in the bathroom to try and hydrate her again.


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Normally they are very dehydrated after egg laying. Im not sure if a vet appointment is necessary. Also alot of chams wont drink while you are in the room.
We are unsure if she has laid her eggs yet, we never noticed any scratch marks in her laying bin, or any dirt on her face or body. The only reason we thought there were eggs was because the vet had done an x-ray in August and said he thought it was eggs and she did have the marble look in her stomach. She never showed any signs of being ready to lay - she never turned dark, didn't scratch at the bottom on her cage and never went into the laying bin to test holes, she just acted as normal. Petrie normally isn't a shy drinker or eater, some days she is but usually she will drink as soon as her dripper is turned on and she doesn't care who watches, and she is usually alone in the room anyway. We noticed last night she had a leg hanging from the branch and just thought she was comfortable but then this morning her eyes were sunken and she was basically laying on a branch and only holding on with one leg so she is weak or tired. I will check her laying bin to see if any eggs are present but as mentioned earlier she never had dirt over her body.
She has a laying bin in her cage at all times since August. It's deep enough for her to dig down and deposit but there are no changes to the bin to think she dug anything.
She only has the one laying bin which takes up half of her cage, and we just checked it and there were no eggs. She has never gone to the bottom of her cage, and never showed any of the normal signs of ready to lay. I have an appointment in the morning with a vet although he isn't as experienced as I would like with chameleons.

We just checked on her in the steam and she's dying..
She's turning black and isn't moving at all. We picked her up and she opened her mouth really big but her eyes are closed and she won't move her arms or anything.
I am sorry you lost her. You posted back two months ago and she was full of eggs then. You could see from the pics you posted on that day that she was pregnant. For the future, a vet could have given her a shot to induce the laying. Just a thought, if you get another female and run into this problem. She must have died from being egg bound.
Thank you for the condolences.
We did have her into the vet back in August and we were told she just wasn't ready to lay yet, so we added a laying bin to her cage and she never showed any signs of being ready to lay. The vet who seen her in August mentioned it was the first chameleon x-ray he had taken and he posted online for other vet's opinions so I'm unsure if he would have been able to get her contractions started. I did make an appointment to see the vet and it was for tomorrow morning but she past already. We're hanging in there but it is definitely hard to lose your pet you've grown so close to. :(
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