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I'm having a big issue at the moment.. I have a Veiled Chameleon.. He's about 8 months old.. Eating about 4-6 large powered crickets and the occasional Super worm for a treat.
Had some people over and had somebody take him out of the cage.. And pretty rough too.. Well he started drooling and pooping because of this and was in a scared kind of mode.. So I put him back in his cage and he started grabbing for branches.. So I figured he was just frightened.. As I would have been too..
About an hour later I hear some something fall in his cage.. Lo and behold I see him just dangling by his tale from a branch..
It looks like he had a stroke and in a coma.. I dunno.. I've had him out.. He is very unresponsive.. Only moving his tail some and opening and closing his mouth here and there..

Any ideas on what's going on? I am planning on taking him to the vet tomorrow...
I plan on keeping his light on for warmth overnight.. I currently have him pearched (no secured) near the lamp.

Thanks for any help,
I'm having a big issue at the moment.. I have a Veiled Chameleon.. He's about 8 months old.. Eating about 4-6 large powered crickets and the occasional Super worm for a treat.
Had some people over and had somebody take him out of the cage.. And pretty rough too.. Well he started drooling and pooping because of this and was in a scared kind of mode.. So I put him back in his cage and he started grabbing for branches.. So I figured he was just frightened.. As I would have been too..
About an hour later I hear some something fall in his cage.. Lo and behold I see him just dangling by his tale from a branch..
It looks like he had a stroke and in a coma.. I dunno.. I've had him out.. He is very unresponsive.. Only moving his tail some and opening and closing his mouth here and there..

Any ideas on what's going on? I am planning on taking him to the vet tomorrow...
I plan on keeping his light on for warmth overnight.. I currently have him pearched (no secured) near the lamp.

Thanks for any help,

Oh my god. I'm really sorry about what happened! I wish I knew what to say other than take him to the vet ASAP. Take him tonight if you have a place open in town. Most people have never been around a chameleon and they can't even understand that they like to be alone. People want to hold chams and get extremely up close but you can't really do that. Sometimes you just have to be a d*ck about it because they don't give up. After this is all said and done I would get a lock on his cage. I hope someone can reply in time to save your little one. In the mean time.. post as many pics as you can. I'm sure they will ask to see some. The quicker the better. I hope your baby feels better.
I really doubt anything can be done at home, he needs to go to an emergency clinic NOW. I'm sorry he is hurt :(
Yeah that's the way I feel now.. I was thinking before 'he needs more human contact'.. I've never seen him salivate or act like that when handled.. He definitely seemed better when I put him back in his cage.. But defiantly not now.. I really do not see him breathing.. Just mouth opening actions now..
Yeah that's the way I feel now.. I was thinking before 'he needs more human contact'.. I've never seen him salivate or act like that when handled.. He definitely seemed better when I put him back in his cage.. But defiantly not now.. I really do not see him breathing.. Just mouth opening actions now..

I read one of your past posts. Back when he was about 4 weeks you said he seemed like he was having a seizure. Have you done much research since you've had him? Most breeders won't even sell a cham when it is 1 month let alone that little. If your not exaggerating and he has had these problems since he was that young.. he might have a hereditary problem. If not I think something is wrong with the husbandry. Chameleons don't really need more "human contact". In fact you should problem only contact him when caring from him. Whether it's cleaning his cage, feeding, etc. How old is he now? Reptiles are the opposite of humans. What might seem right for us is totally different for them. I know you are panicking but you need to take him to a vet that specializes in exotics the first thing in the morning. All the forum members have been doing this for years so when they are all in agreement about handling, lighting, feeding, health, etc. make sure you listen. They just want your little guy to be healthy and happy.
I am very saddened to report 'Ivor' has passed. His tongue is out.. And there is no movement at all.. Just as I had gotten hold of a 24hr clinic too..
I'm really bummed.. It's not like he was ever constantly exposed to any kind of fooling around..

He did have a few issues during his life.. His first shedding he did not take well at all.. And then he had the famous Rear leg grabbing Front for a bit till I changed up the cricket powdering..
Thank you Elizadolots.
I guess the rule of thumb here is NEVER let anyone but yourself handle your Chameleon.. Unfortunately my guy paid the ultimate price..
I'm so sorry to hear this!

I'm really stumped though, chameleons shouldn't go into seizures or a total crash like this from handling, they must have been extremely rough with him or he must have been sick to begin with and couldn't take the stress. I just took my Daedalus to my university for an hour and a half to be shown off at an event a class was having, and just about everyone pet at least his tail. He did awesome, but he's a generally chill chameleon. So I'm hesitant to say "oh well, it was the handling, never let anyone or anything hold your chameleon ever because this is what happens," because I don't believe that at all.

Something else must have been at play. If he was prone to seizures then maybe the stress triggered one. Or something. But what a shame, I'm sorry he's gone.
I'm sorry for your loss.

I agree with Olimpia, it sounds like it was perhaps a pre-existing condition that was exacerbated by the stress of the situation. If handling was that stressful people would not be able to own or breed chams as they'd all die.
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