
Edward Kim

Established Member
I'm not too sure why (even when starving) my cham won't eat crickets, grubs, beetles, silkies, or roaches. I have tried everything! The only thing he will eat is flies and moths. Unfortunately my fly culture is exhausted and wild moths are all gone due to winter conditions. I have ordered another culture of flies but need some food till then. Does anyone have a culture going in my area AZUSA, CALIFORNIA.? Does anyone have any ideas what other food sources i can use.

will pay top dollar for flies...
What kind of Cham? What age? I looked in your gallery but didn't see anything.

I couldn't imagine any of the larger cham species lasting long on flies... I wouldn't think they would be big enough?
I live next to the mountains so I took a short trip to the hills to see if I could catch anything . I'm feeding a mt meru chameleon so flies would be able to sustain them for some time.
Try calling Pet Jungle in Arcadia. I believe it's 17 mins from you. Here's the number (626) 447-0579. They usually have fruit flies. I buy mine from them.
Hey Mika, I was actually referring to house flies or blue bottle flies. Thanks for the info i appreciate it. I'm working with dwarf jacksons dylan. Check out my gallery i'm uploading pics.
House flies, not fruit flies. Ed and Liddy sell house fly cultures but I don't know if they'd let you pick up.
Have you been feeding them small insects? My chameleons never refuse Isopods (pill bugs, rolypoly) think I spelled that right. I put cardboard out and they crawl underneath it at night for the moisture.
Found a few pollies but he seem uninterested. Found a small fly and he chased it down. I'm think i need to start force feeding.
Call the Kammers....

I buy my house fly cultures from Liddy at Kammerflauge. I'm sure she could overnight them to you. She could probably find one that was already hatching too.
I too get them from the Kammer's and emailed them last thursday. They still havn't emailed me back. So I went with another breeder that sells the larger blue bottlefly.
do you cup feed? what are the temps - my cham won't eat unless the temps are perfect...

on the other hand, if you ever try breeding silkworms, they turn into moths and don't actually fly. they are good feeders...
I currently have a batch of silkies and waxworms that will hopefully become moths. The primary issue was my fly culture died earlier than i had initially expected. I needed a small batch of flies to hold me off till my backup fly shipment arrived. All is well now he opened his mouth to hiss and I threw in a waxworm which he gulped down.
why dont u just feed the poor thing some crickets and just worms for a snack not flys or moths reply back how long uv had ur chemeleonand if uv had it over two years u should now wat to feed it (also i dont know 1 person who feeds there chemeleon flys they feed there chemeleons crickets) ur :confused:
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