Using saline solution..


Avid Member
Hello, the day before yesterday, I noticed my chameleon's eye being a bit mis-shapen, and the next day, it wouldn't open right away when he woke up, with proper misting and sunlight, it seems to get better for the time being, but I want to know your guys' opinion on if you think it's a eye infection. I've been reading up and I'm going to get the saline solution for sensitive eyes at CVS, but if it's not an infection, will the solution have side effects? Or is it a "wouldn't hurt to try" type of thing.

Let me attach a picture of his eye. There's no residue in his eye, or nothing secreting from his eye.

Click to make bigger.

His "normal" eye
as long as it's just saline and nothing else he should be fine. i had the same issue with my panther. i used a saline solution that i got from the vet though. It was a 0.9% saline solution. Something about their nasolacrimal duct gets backed up sometimes and the mucus build up gets into the eye. He will not like it when you try to hold him and flush out his eye. don't be afraid to do it though. It will help him.
If youve never done it before it might be a good idea to let juli show you how to rinse out that eye. It does look like something is in there in the 2nd pic.
Where are you going to get a pure saline solution? I've checked several pharmacies in the past just to have some on hand, and all of the lens cleaners they have aren't pure saline.
Where are you going to get a pure saline solution? I've checked several pharmacies in the past just to have some on hand, and all of the lens cleaners they have aren't pure saline.

You can buy saline solution for sensitive eyes from CVS for like $5.
If you want to rinse it..

Shoot a stream into the eye socket. You will have to squeeze the bottle with a little force. you want a stream. It should still go in the eye if he tries to close it. Fill-up the socket then very gently massage the eye with your finger. Allow him to to do his cleaning thing then mist him really well.

The cvs stuff works great I use it and targets brand.
there are no additives in the for "sensitive eyes" solution? the packaging and bottle neglect to say.

Saline Solution

There's a link to the thread where Dave Weldon explains how this stuff works well.
I had the same problem with my Jacksons female ... I used saline solution to flush any gunk in the eye... But I actually ended up using pink eye drops and they work phenomenally.
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