uv/heating question


New Member
hi peeps

still at my research stage and im wondering is it better to have separate uv and heat soucre for a cham or can i go with the combination bulb, will it make any difference? and what are ur expereinces with the combined bulbs

thanks B
Personally I prefer and go the route of a linear UVB tube and a separate heat source. Many of this forum agree and do the same. There are many that use mercury vapor bulbs such as the Powersun with great sucess. You do need to be careful since these bulbs are very powerful-you certainly cannot use them on smaller cages that youngsters require.
Zoo Med's Power Sun bulbs are what I use as does a local breeder. I use 160w on 24x24x48 for 8 month and older chams 100w on 18x18x36 for smaller chams from 4-8 month olds.

The mistake that most people make with these are use them on glass cages making it a small oven or use an aluminum mesh cage put them directly on the top of the cage and yes a 160w will burn through a mesh screen. Then the light is poking through the cage not good. Over heating in cages with these is so easy to do i wouldnt recommend that you use these if its your first time.

If u use these hang them about a foot to a foot and a half above the cage and check the very top of the cage to see how hot it is because they will climb upside down on the cage closest to the light at one point in their life in there and you dont want that time to be their last. Set up the cage a week min. ahead of time to check temps and humdity.

Also make sure they have spots to get out of the light what ever bulb you use.
Thanks for the repiles guys,

think im going to go with 2 separate, heat source and uv source because this is my first cham and dont want to cook the wee man.

does the type of cham make a difference to what you should get, logically a Yemen cham(which im gettin) should be able to stick the heat a lot better than say a jacksons?
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