UV lamps

Hello all Cham lovers! I have some UV questions for you guys. These questions have been in the back of my mind for some time now and would like to some answers to them.

1. Why is the 5.0 uvb lamps recommended for chameleons? Why not the 7.0 or even 10.0? Too much uvb?

2. Is there a certain ratio of length of lamp to length of lizard? In other words, does your uv lamp need to grow longer as your cham does?

3. Replacement times, I talked to Exo terra on the phone years back and asked them, their answer was once a year. Granted, this was over four years ago I asked them this but I'm wondering: what is the correct replacement time of a uv lamp? I have read other places that recommend every six months.

4. Free Ranging - with uv lights. For the free rangers out there, how are you making sure your cham is absorbing it's required amount of uv, if the lamp is sitting in only one part of the room?
The 5.0 puts out just the right amount of UB for a cham that's why it's recommended

The lenght depends on the size cage you have. A 48" hight audlt cage should have a 24" tube UVB.

You should chane your UVB bulb every 6 months unless you have a UV meter to check how much UV it's putting out.

When free ranging hang your UVB light over a tree in the free range area and you cham will go under the bulb when it needs UV.
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